Film, tv & radio – 14. feb. 2019 – at. 10:35 Here is Oh Land’s new girl group
We now come to the so-called ‘boot camps’, which this time takes place on the island of Bornholm. It is, as you know, the rounds which the three judges should exert himself finally fixed in the three participating, they each want to pull to the live shows. Those, which they believe gives them the highest chances of winning.
And there has therefore chosen to save the best (or the least bad, depending on how you look at it) for last. It will say on the next Friday. I have before in this space plæderet for that TV2 would not be able to or ought to do ‘X Factor’ without Thomas Culture, and one must say that tonight’s broadcast of the degree was the perfect argument for the view.
Film, tv & radio – 8. feb. 2019 – at. 18:53 TV2 after the gaffe: don’t Share the video!
For the mage to toothless entertainment you have to look long after. Most of the program went with that famous and best-selling – yet to not have said something interesting or just a roughly thought-provoking in the first seven applications – having to shave his very young upersonligheder down to the final three. You can save much by hard clipping and tight editing, but not that this was about as exciting as cleaning up his socks. The last servant, however, at least a purpose.
When it is said and done, so nap for me, if not both Live and Benjamin survive the first rounds. The former because of its childish charm and the latter because he possesses a voice that over time could develop some kind of distinct character.
Ankerstjernes kedsommeligheder was only interrupted by Oh Land almost as fresh preliminary rounds, where the three groups, she had already selected (the level was not five among the participating candidates), was complemented by the two, as she had composed among the already rejected soloists.
The first of its kind was girl group the Echo (maybe), who simply did the judge affected of its own choice.
Then there was da one who felt something out of pure disbelief of the artistic destitution that we witnessed.
No rains well with its musical edge from a program such as ‘X Factor’, but when the entertainment value is so non-existent for anyone other than the performers themselves, as was the case here, so you can certainly kill time on the less kreperlig shape. There was nothing – as in absolutely nothing – to come after.