The sixth klimaatmars certainly has 11.000 klimaatspijbelaars to Brussels lured. In addition to students, were also many students from the party. Next week there is a new klimaatmars place in the capital. Which will be attended by the well-known Swedish klimaatactiviste Greta Thunberg (16), informs Youth for Climate.
enthusiasm remains high at the klimaatjongeren. According to the police the names of 11,000 people participated in the demonstration. Waves of cheers went through the crowd and everyone was always “plus chaud que le climat”.
Read also Swedish klimaatactivist Greta Thunberg comes in next week to argue in Brussels
“We should not every time with 30,000, but we do need the press to continue to step up,” says captain Anuna, The Weaver. the
Along the side were a lot of adults still to take a picture of the klimaatbrossers and to encourage them with clear messages like “keep full”.