“Hard to stop the Trumps murkupp”
“But can he really do it? And what can his opponents do to stop the plans?”
“An american president can completely on its own decide to declare a state of emergency. The ability is supposed to be used during major disasters or civil unrest. When the emergency is declared, it will be possible for the president to take a long series of decisions at its own discretion. For example, he can shut down electronic communications in the united states and a freeze on americans bank accounts. The idea behind this is that a normal decision-making process, where the proposal shall have been given in various instances, may take for a long time during an ongoing crisis.”
“When has the emergency been used in the past?”
“Many presidents have announced multiple emergencies during his time in the White house. A lot of cases has, however, acted to block the assets of persons suspected to contribute to the conflict and turmoil in other parts of the world, but it can also be, for example, natural disasters. Donald Trump has already managed to issue three emergencies during his presidency.”
“Can the president of the Trump proclaim emergency when he wants to?”
“Yes, in the us constitution are not specified closer to exactly when a president may proclaim a state of emergency.”
“What is the state of emergency, the president, Trump declared?”
“Donald Trump believes that the situation at the border between the united states and Mexico, which hundreds of thousands of people every year trying to cross without permission, is so serious that it justifies a declaration of a state of emergency. At such may the president increased opportunities to move around money in the u.s. budget. According to the american media think the president make use of it to be able to finance the construction of gränsmuren between the united states and Mexico. The u.s. congress has so far cleared only a small part of the money that Trump äskat for his wall.”
“Why does Donald Trump this?”
“Critics claim that the president uses the opportunity to declare a state of emergency to go around congress and gain access to additional money for murbygget. In the latest kongressuppgörelsen allocated only 1,375 billion dollars for gränsbarriärer, compared with the $ 5.7 billion that the president requested last fall and the 8 billion dollars he now says that the wall will cost. Trump argues that the united states is in desperate need of a boundary wall. He believes that criminals and drugs flowing across the southern border.”
“Can president Trump a state of emergency be stopped?”
“Yes, there are two ways to prevent the president Trumps plan: in congress and in the courts. But both may be real långbänkar.”
“Congress cannot stop the president from calling a state of emergency, but after a state of emergency declared allows the law to two houses of congress – the house of representatives and the senate jointly decide whether the emergency should be terminated, if they believe that the president acted irresponsibly or that the threat has disappeared. Such a decision must, however, have been given in both houses. The house of representatives are currently governed by the Democrats, but the senate is Trump’s own party, the Republicans, in the majority.”
“the Law also says that if one of the chambers passes a statement to stop the state of emergency, so must the other chamber to vote on the matter within 18 days. In the senate needs the democrats to only a few republicans on his side to stick a stop, which is not entirely unrealistic. But it does not mean that the thing is done. The president can veto such a decision. Then they have both chambers approve the proposal again – but with a two-thirds majority. It would be much more difficult to get through.”