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the Population of North-Norway must stay out of the powerful storm and hurricane in the most vulnerable areas on Saturday morning. In that regard cautioned against the waves up to 14 meters in height, trafikale challenges and devastation.

Already on Thursday evening, one can notice forvarselet on it that will come.

For the moment, there are a lot of storms in both Nordland and Troms, confirming the on-duty meteorologist Geir Bøyum the face of the Newspaper.

50 bulls nødslaktes

This is also supported by the police in Nordland, at 19.30 reports that a fjøstak in Sortland has been taken by the wind.

Operasjonsleder in Nordland police, Mads Bernhoft, told the Newspaper that parts of the ceiling and some wall panels have been taken by a strong gust of wind.

basically, it is a part of the barn where there have been kept animals affected, but it is feared that the rest of the roof will also be taken by the wind. Thus have a vet on-site on the basis of animal wellbeing decided that the animals be sent to nødslakt, ” says Bernhoft.

It is about 29 cattle that must be slaughtered. In addition, attempt to get relocated calves and pregnant animals to nearby farms. To now have 20 animals have been relocated.

Bernhoft explains that since at 14 he’s got at least nine messages of destruction in connection with the storm.

the Weather has particularly hit Ofoten, and the messages go on that roof panels, silotak and takdekke have been taken by the wind. In addition, we have received a number of messages about trees in the road.

– Awful

Fylkesordfører in Nordland, Sonja Alice Steen (Ap), ask the population to not take unnecessary risks.

” We know where we live, so it is not unnatural by storms. Now, however, it is important that people take it easy, and do not take unnecessary risks in the traffic, ” says Steen of Dagbladet.

Steen is from Sortland, where the current barn has been hit. She has great compassion for those who have been affected by the storm.

It is of course horrible for those being affected by the type of disasters. I have great compassion for that family, ” she says.

Had to shut down E10: Full chaos Storm

Meteorologist Bøyum tells that it is currently blowing up to the minute storm in exposed areas in Nordland, and that there are a number of precipitation and haglbyger.

In Troms blows it up to the stiff and somewhat strong gale in exposed areas, while in Finnmark, the report of the changing cloud cover and some snow.

Several routes in Northern Norway in the course of the Thursday been closed as a result of the weather, and the police stated that they had received messages about the flying objects.

– We ask that loose items are secured, they write on Twitter.

LUCK IN bad LUCK: Fortunately there came not a car in the opposite direction, when this trailer ended up in trouble on calm roads. It all happened on the E134 Tuesday night, on the stretch between Vågslid and Brunkeberg. Video: Thomas Hill Show more Kaostilstander

on Thursday morning warned the police also about avalanches, dams, and flood risks on the stretches of road in the county of Nordland.

the Newspaper Nordland reports that several ferry routes have been cancelled, and that it was kaostilstander at the airport in Bodø earlier in the day, as a result of major flooding in the parking lot.

at the same time, it issued red farevarsel that apply to large snøskredfare in the South-Troms, Lofoten, Vesterålen, Ofoten and Salten.

the Storm will calm themselves in the course of the night, before it come a new and more powerful storms Friday night, says the Bøyum.

the Hurricane

on the Night of Saturday and Saturday morning reported that strong storms in parts of Nordland, where the hardest hit area is expected to be from Salten and north. More precisely, it involves the area around the Vestfjord, the area from Lofoten to Vesterålen and the area from Lofoten to the Salten region.

Which reported it to blow up to the strong storm, and Bøyum did not look away from that some areas will experience hurricane. In addition, it will get heavy rainfall.

In the farevarslet which is the Norwegian Meteorological institute has issued advised it is about wind gusts of up to 40 metres in a second.

– We expect that it can be a part of destruction, so we are requesting people to secure loose objects, and warns against plan cold and dry weather on the night of Saturday, and Saturday morning, ” says Bøyum and follow up:

GEIRANGER: joint rescue coordination centre Southern Norway, reported just before the clock 15 about an avalanche over the Road 63 Geiranger. The police advised that the avalanche is approx. 100 metres wide and 5 metres high. Video: Sander Mossberg Furniture Show more High waves

– In addition one must be aware that there will be waves up to 14 meters height in the Vestfjord area. It can be dangerous to stay in the vicinity of the fjord in the period in question, he warns.

– Bridges can be closed, and there is a risk of damage to buildings and infrastructure. Strong winds can lead to cancelled departures by boat, aircraft and other transport. The power supply can also be affected, it says in the farevarselet.

– Fortunately not the storm last as long. In the course of Saturday morning the wind will calm, and the night to Sunday will the storm be over, ” says the meteorologist.

– do not Think I have seen such big waves before