the Discussion in the last few weeks been high on the proposal in regjeringsplattformen to finance new regjeringskvartal and the new frigate to a total of 20 billion “below the line”, i.e. outside the usual budsjettbehandlingen.
Now also takes the governor Øystein Olsen sharply to rebuke the proposal, as clarified in the Ministry of finance.
– I is in line with many economists who have spoken out about this. It will then be a break with a good budsjettpraksis, which involves transparency and a whole around priorities, also on the expenditure side will of the budget, says Olsen, to NTB.
Dagbladet mean: Financial accountability as a political virtue crumbles Leader
– The second is that if you do this, complicating the one situation when it comes to getting a picture of the actual spending. The reason is that one must add up the items above the line and add to it they might have budgeted “below the line”.
– Gets busted
Olsen held Thursday in his annual speech to the Norwegian næringslivstopper and politicians, but did not strongly criticized the proposal in the speech.
– This will be busted, because Norges Bank will have to add it as granted “below the line” to assess the ekspansiviteten in the budget, and to consider how much money which in real terms is used, argues the governor.
– It will not change that the money is used up, but the picture becomes less uniform. Holistic reviews where all expenses competing for the same pot, is a good tradition in the Norwegian budsjettpraksis, states he.
Jonas to Erna: – Nadir
In the platform states that “the government will study and consider whether gjenanskaffelser where the state is shall be self-insured should be charged as a 90-post in the budget.”
the Proposal has met harsh criticism from the political opposition and from leading economists such as former governor Svein Gjedrem.
Lowered the rule
Governor Øystein Olsen has almost made it a tradition to use årstalen to warn the Norwegian politicians against to lean too heavily on the ever-more gigantic its oil wealth in its budsjettpolitikk.
Even if he didn’t do it in the year, underlines the Olsen facing the NTB that he is not less concerned this year than in the past.
– I have warned and pointed out that oljepengebruken has come up at a very high level, most recently in the last year. It says I still for the.
In 2012 recommended Olsen to lower the spending rule, which limits the use of oljepenger, from 4 to 3 per cent. The proposal was cash klubbet down by the then prime minister Jens Stoltenberg (Ap) on the same night. But two years ago was Olsen given: When lowered the Solberg-government spending rule to just 3 per cent.
Erna Solberg defends budsjettgrep: – My suggestion to Large fluctuations
Risk of large fluctuations in the oljefondets value are among the reasons for sentralbanksjefens unrest. The fund today has a value of about 8.600 billion, and fondsledelsen has warned against the volatility of up to 10 per cent – that is over 800 billion.
The last year we have confirmed that the value of its oil wealth, which has come up at a very high level in general, fluctuates in line with the particular stock markets, ” says Olsen.
He sees a need for other rules in addition to the fiscal.
– It is a concern when a percentage – currently 3 per cent – will be a guideline for fiscal policy. What is 3 percent, will fluctuate very.
In årstalen mentioned Olsen its oil wealth when he stated that Norway is conveniently set if a new downturn should frame the Norwegian economy and create a need for fiscal grip.
– the State has a financial freedom through savings in its oil wealth, states the governor.
the Government is open to take milliardutgifter “below the line”