The French state wants to raise 285 billion euros of debt on the financial markets in 2024, a record after 270 billion euros in 2023, Agence France Trésor announced on Wednesday on the sidelines of the presentation of the year’s budget next. In 2024, the financing needs are however lower than last year: the State must find a total of 299.7 billion euros, i.e. a “decrease of 10.6 billion euros compared to the 2023 financing needs updated”.

This saving is made possible in particular by the effect of the reduction in the deficit to be financed, which goes from 172.1 billion euros in 2023 to 144.5 billion euros in 2024. However, the State intends to cover its financing needs. financing without using Treasury funds. “The excess cash which had been accumulated in 2020 having been used during the 2022 and 2023 financial years, we no longer intend to draw on this line,” commented Cyril Rousseau, general director of the AFT.

The State will also have to amortize a higher amount of debt maturing in 2024 (160.2 billion compared to 149.6 in 2023). The budgetary debt burden in 2024 is expected to increase to 52.2 billion euros in 2024, the AFT said, as the government faces a rise in interest rates on the markets.