The british wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas has taken the long-awaited images of a wild melanistisk leopard in Kenya. Colloquially – better known as the black panther. The only bildebeviset of a black panther from Africa, was taken in the Etiopa in 1909, reports The Guardian.

The black panteren is an iconic creature. Bagheera, the caring panteren who find Mowgli, in Jungelboken have put the animal on the map. In the real world, there are still a few pictures that show it exists. This is not only because they are extremely shy and difficult to see – only a small percentage of leopardene is black.

The black panteren is namely the opposite of albino. It has melanisme, an increased concentration of black pigments.

Photo: Burrard-Lucas Photography/ Camtraptions Camera Trap taken in the Laikipia Wilderness Camp in Kenya Show more

Found fresh tracks

– the Leopard is usually associated with the jungle where the color may help them hide in the shadows. It is in Asia you most often hear that people have seen them. In Africa, however, is the extremely rare, ” says the photographer to the Newspaper.

When the Burrad-Lucas heard that a black panther was seen in the Laikipia Wilderness Camp in Kenya pricked up his ears.

” The biggest challenge was to find out how kamerafellene should be placed.

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He contacted a few local in the area and had confirmed that it voted. He also got to know that several black cheetahs had been sighted the last few years. With help, they managed to find fresh tracks. The tracks led to a path that leopardene apparently use quite often.

Thus had the cameras had been her temporary home. After several days without success, it proved that this still was a good choice.

I took a quick look at the last kamerafella, without expect great.

As he browsed through the pictures he had to stop. It was not up for that he finally had gotten it.

– A pair of eyes surrounded by darkness… a black panther! It took a few days before it sunk in that I had achieved my dream, wrote Burrard-Lucas on his blog.

Photo: Burrard-Lucas Photography/ Camtraptions Camera Trap taken in the Laikipia Wilderness Camp in Kenya Show more Modern technology

the Pictures are taken with Camtraptions camera trap that contains the wireless bevegelsesensorer. The sensors picks up the animal and gives information to the camera.

– in Order to capture such images, I have made my own kamerafellesystem. The cameras are left in days, maybe weeks to get the photos of the most timid animals, ” he says.

This technique also makes it possible for the photographer to set up studiolignende light to get good pictures at night.

Photo: Burrard-Lucas Photography/ Camtraptions Camera Trap taken in the Laikipia Wilderness Camp in Kenya Show more Show more Show more Show more