Two American diplomats after the withdrawal of President Donald Trump out of the nuclear deal with Iran on the question of how the White house intend to win the Europeans for its “campaign of pressure” against Teheran. The a twitched resignedly the shoulders. The other said that the Europeans needed a bit of time to Sulk, until they, too, would swing to the hard line.

You’ll first need to convince allies in Asia that the Europeans had on the series. You see the threat posed by Iran, Yes, very similar, only in the choice of means there hold different views.

Now the foreign Minister, Mike Pompeo, the time seemed come. During a tour of nine Arab States in January, his Ministry announced that the United States would align with Poland, the foreign Minister in Warsaw the meeting. Pompeo was there, especially in the Gulf States and said frankly that Iran will be the Central theme of the conference.

the future of the peace

Officially, it was said that they wanted to consult with more than 70 mainly Western and Arab States, as a “future of peace and security” in the Middle East to carry. The US had their experiences, etched a Diplomat from a European country, with a view to the with lies justified the Iraq Invasion in 2003.

In major European capitals, you took the Meeting as an attempt to divide the Europeans and to win the willing among them for the US price – it is a bit like Donald Rumsfeld’s “coalition of the willing” will fire, as well as to the dictum of the old and the new Europe.

With suspicion, it also observed how to Pompeo right-wing ensnared tables governments, such as in Hungary or Poland. The presence of Vice-President Mike Pence and trump’s middle East Advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner should increase the pressure, obviously still, the political importance of the Washington of the event. to produce

But instead of unity, lays open the Meeting Wednesday evening began with a Dinner, once again, the deep disagreement between the Trump-government and key U.S. allies in Europe, China, and Russia to boycott the conference.

France, whose President Emmanuel Macron tried it with a men friendship to Trump, sends only the political Director of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. From Berlin Niels Annen, Minister of state in the foreign office. The British foreign Minister, Jeremy Hunt, has confirmed his participation, but it was only when the organisers declared themselves contrary to their initial plans, prepared to continue the discussion to the war in Yemen on the agenda.

sanctions run

The three countries had recently established in Paris a special purpose company, to be able to European law to legal transactions with the Islamic Republic of unwinding. Ultimately, it is intended that the company can run the us financial and economic sanctions.

No group and no company, the significant business interests in the United States, will make use of it – but the political Signal is devastating for Trump. And the Europeans hope to be able to trade at least to the extent that it was prior to the conclusion of the nuclear agreement, although the EU sanctions were in force.

in Asia, had requested close allies such as Japan and South Korea the exception permits to be able to more Iranian Oil import. And, contrary to all brachial rhetoric from Washington, the imports would have to be driven down to zero, granted to Washington.

co-organizer Poland, according to the words of the Minister of foreign Affairs Jacek Czaputowicz one of the closest allies of Trumps America, strives its utmost to avoid the impression of an Anti-Iran conference. Poland supported the nuclear deal, he said, and did not agree with the approach of the American policy on Iran. Iran had earlier summoned the Polish Ambassador in Tehran to the foreign Ministry.

was originally intended to be about the proliferation of missiles, terrorism support, and other things more talking, the Washington accuses Iran, will now be discussed mainly at the Insistence of Poland, also on the peace process in the middle East, the fight against the terrorist militia Islamic state, Syria and Yemen. “Really good results” hoped for Pompeo of the debates this Thursday, he said. Neither he nor Czaputowicz replied to the key question: what specifically do you expect of the Meeting. Usually at such conferences, with final declarations to be largely in advance.

Just a circus?

but it will have to go significantly to the public perception – of a PR-event. The Iranian foreign Minister Mohammed Jawad Sarif even speaks of a “circus”.

A winner of the Warsaw meeting, however, could be Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He will sit with high-ranking representatives from Arab States, at a table, and could thus demonstrate once more that Israel’s Isolation is broken in the Region and his assessment of Iran as a threat is widely shared.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.02.2019, 21:39 PM