Berlin threatened on Friday of the arrest. Because the LPP is on strike from the start of operation until 12 o’clock, and thus trams, U-Bahn and the BVG buses are affected. And in the case of the S-Bahn it is likely to be correct.

the S-train itself, it was said, first, that the clock will not be reinforced, but it is going to “rule timetable”. At noon, the decision that the S-Bahn will, however, use more trains came then. The S-Bahn will offer in the time from about 5.30 am to about 14.00 PM on the lines S1 and S5 a total of approximately 50 additional train trips. Passengers can also Dodge to the DB regional trains. It will but still.

“We expect that many of the BVG passengers want to change to the S-Bahn. We expect the impact to be in the afternoon hours”, – stated in the S-Bahn. The S-Bahn itself is also affected by the BVG strike: The drivers, the workers in the technology and organization must come first in time for the job. “We will raise the awareness of our drivers and clues to find other ways,” said a rail spokesman. This is not always easy. But: “This strike is not out of the blue.”

In many of the Neighborhoods will require a lot on the car and carpool into the city. On the streets, and so it is not empty, only because the buses are missing.

All districts in Berlin are cut off from public transport. This applies to large settlements, such as Gropiusstadt in Berlin-Neukölln, but also for village districts on the outskirts of the city, as in Berlin-Spandau – Kladow approximately 11 kilometres to the nearest S-train station in Spandau. But there is a way out for this specific case. “The ships are sailing in the BVG-order, belong to the ‘White fleet’ or ‘circle&star”. Thus, the local residents have in the Spandauer the South with no connection to Spandau, but at least on the S-Bahn on the other side of the Wannsee.

in The suburbs, some bus lines travel

Even quite a few of the BVG bus lines may be in use. “We are trying that at least some Kiezlinien remain in operation,” said a BVG spokeswoman. On the edge of town Sub-contractors to the order of the LPP. This 21 bus routes should be able to travel, and seven more with minor restrictions (the Overview of the individual lines, you can find here). Who lives closer to it, to ride a bike to the station. The temperatures with play: On Friday, twelve degrees and sun are expected.

However, the situation remains difficult, one way or the other. “It is very unlikely that the train”, – stated in the BVG Headquarters. Even if ten people come to the service, could take place on the Friday not a whole subway line in operation. The majority of tram operating stations will be sealed off from the strikers, similar to the BVG bus stations.

the bus driver or tram driver from other cities – for example, from the neighboring Potsdam , was not possible. To take a line test and your knowledge of the route, the evidence “is strictly regulated”. In addition, the vehicles on the Kiezlinien are not usually as big as double-Decker or the long articulated buses.

Union wants to shorten working hours, but salary retained

Verdi had called for the strike after Monday’s two and a half hours of talks with employers without result. The Union called on the workers of the BVG and of the subsidiary Berlin Transport a reduction in the working week from 39 to 36.5 hours with full wage compensation. So far, there are only for Employees who started prior to September 2005 the BVG.

in Addition, Verdi calls for a lower wage groups are not completely deleted, so that Workers below the minimum wage if it is raised. In addition, Verdi continues for an additional one-time payment in the amount of 500 euros for trade Union members, as well as the payment of a Christmas bonus in the first year of employment.

The municipal employers ‘ Association has called the demands unacceptable and not feasible, especially not the reduction of the working week. Currently, the personnel amount of the LPP costs, according to Verdi, to 570 million euros per year. 60 million euros would add, should be implemented in the package of the Union. The cost wouldn’t be the biggest Problem. Because even now, the BVG suffers from lack of personnel and can keep the driver – in the case of the S-Bahn, for example, is significantly better paid. For the Verdi-package – especially for the reduction of working time would, according to the employers of 500 employees in addition to necessary in addition to the this year anyway 1350 employees used.

The negotiations between Verdi and employers over a collective bargaining agreement are to the 5. March 2019 will continue. The BVG brings a little understanding for the strike. “We very much regret that Verdi picks after the first round of Negotiations on this massive medium. Above all, we regret that the tariff negotiations are held now on the back of our passengers,“ the company said. Also, the passenger Association Igeb-criticized Verdi. Eight-hour warning strike in the public transport are just too much. Necessary legal requirements are to guarantee in such cases Notfahrpläne – about for trips to airports, the main S-train stations and hospitals.

read more about the strike

Berlin is a gridlock threatens by BVG strike on Friday: The Verdi Union is calling on the 14,500 employees of the BVG strike. By noon is to be expected with massive disabilities in the public transport. Here you can read the first message of the strike and the great readers debate.

Verdi is threatening with Strikes in Bus and train: Verdi wants to achieve for the BVG workers have better working conditions. Strikes are not excluded. What is it about? The backgrounds of Sigrid Florian ganzert.

– fire letter to the Berlin public transport BVG-Executive Board promises to be more workshop-staff: In an open letter from the staff Council, and the U-Bahn defendant in massive problems. Here is the Text from the summer.

Twelve of the Newsletter, twelve districts: Our people-the Newsletter from all districts of Berlin you can order for free here:

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