When president Gian Franco Kasper of the international skiforbundet, FIS, claimed in the swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger that there is no evidence for climate change, it created almost as much sensation as that he believed the future OL the best organized in dictatorships.

The last grunnga he with you do not need to fight with the environmentalists in diktaturene.

FIS president shock: Will have the OLYMPICS to dictatorships

Kasper was condemned around the world, and has apologized for the statements, but ultimately it may look as if it is klimauttalelsene his that could cost him most expensive.

Will remove Kasper

In a post on his own blog is the OLYMPIC winner Jessica Diggins in harnisk over FIS-the president’s statements.

– Let us have only one thing clear for us. Local weather is not the same as climate, and just because we have had a lot of snow in some places in years, that does not mean that climate change is a real threat, writes Diggins, and fires the fix:

– Unfortunately, not our current president though. Right now is circulating a petition to remove him from office because of the statements of his about climate change and other things. Clearly we need changes in management so we can rely on facts in the future. I hope I get to experience this in the course of my career, she writes.

’t reached utøverkomiteen

75-year-old Kasper has been FIS president since 1998, and was re-elected on the FIS-congress in Greece in may 2019.

at The time, he had no motkandidater, and also not on the upcoming congress in Pattaya in 2020 is motkandidatene in the queue.

FIS has had four presidents since the organization was founded in 1924.

The Norwegian athlete Andreas Star sitting in the utøverkomiteen in the FIS, but have not heard about the petition Diggins writes about.

the Campaign started by the american organization Protect our winters, but have not received any great attention in the skimiljøet yet.

the OLYMPIC hero Krüger wreck to tremila

– I have not heard about it, but I have not been so very active in the utøverkomiteen it last year either, ” says the Star to the Newspaper.

does not Stand behind the statements

The Norwegian athlete believes it will be “drastic” to remove Kasper from presidentvervet, but that the statements of his about both the OLYMPICS and climate change is not good, if he really has said it.

Nor does the Norwegian landslagsløperne in cross-country skiing has been joined by the petition, which, according to Jessica Diggins now circulating in the environment.

– Now I got just know about this petition, but it is clear we have discussed the statements with his, and if they are correct, then there is of course something we take strong distance from the. It is not in the way the sport our shall appear, ” says langrennssjefen in the Norwegian ski federation, Espen Bjervig, to Dagbladet.

it Is time that the FIS renew themselves?

– Yes, it is well about time that all the refreshes. It is a political system, this, but the Norwegian squad supports definitely not his statement and we will not stand behind it at all. Now, they have the top-the politicians figure out who to have as president, but we are at least not behind the statements he comes out with.

– We are going to appeal a mild punishment