Mr Neukom, are you in a stupid situation: It’s running almost too good.
(laughs) It’s running better than expected. I decided in the summer to run – then the climate issue picked up.

That was meant as a build-up of candidacy, to make known to you. If you are selected, your career with the end of forty.
So far I don’t plan. But it would be a faster ascent.

you are not afraid?
no, only respect. But I would not be the First that is early elected to a responsible position and a good Job. Markus Notter, was the 36-state Council.

you have to put in this silly age where you can still shirts, to take the Elderly seriously.
I would say: As a 32-Year-old, I must be competent, so I’m perceived as competent as the other candidates.

do you Have any idea what it means to be a Shop with at least 1000 employees?
no, I’m as a team leader for four to seven people responsible. This should be the same for all Candidates is a challenge. But leadership is to inspire people to do a good Job.

not it Would be wise to learn a little more about the political operation? In the barracks you have charged recently with the majorities.
I saw this coming, but couldn’t do anything. The other managed to pull the EDU on your page. This has me very frustrated. But you can always learn.

don’t you Run for the wrong office? For the climate policy of the Federal government is ultimately responsible.
no. Building, for example, emissions are 40 percent of the CO2 responsible. This area is located in the Canton, since we could make a lot of.

you say, in the Canton of doing nothing – this is a polemic.
In the cantonal councillor Markus Kägis Plan for the reduction of CO2 is no really effective measures, therefore, the judgments I have are so hard. He deals with all relevant topics.

Early on, Martin Neukom (top left) politicised: as President of the young Greens at the Handover of the signatures for the Offroader-Initiative in August 2008. Photo: Keystone

There is, however, also said that the replacement of Oil-fired heating systems should be promoted.
But much of it is not specific enough, that’s enough. We have known for 35 years, from climate change!

To Kägis Plan can save the Canton of Zurich per year by 2030 of between 60’000 and 400’000 tons of CO2. You will require 3 million tonnes. How is this going to go?
The goal is to get to zero by 2050 to avoid the worst consequences of climate change – the can’t reach the Canton alone. The question is not: How can we reduce the emissions by 3 percent? The question is: How does a society without Oil and Gas? And how do we get there? In the transport electric mobility will play a big role.

specifically: Waskönnten you as the Zurich cantonal government for change?
The refurbishment of buildings is progressing too slowly, we need to accelerate. Also very important measures to stop the Decrease of biodiversity. Because we know too little about what happens when, for example, certain insects extinction.

Both of which costs money. How do you take that?
We need to make some tax cuts of recent years reversed. You must be under no illusions that climate protection is not free. It does not solve the Problem with moral appeals to the people to behave differently.

Speaking of: you get too involved in the election campaign, about the flying, jetting but even around the world.
True, I fly once or twice a year on business abroad. This can unfortunately not be avoided. I’m not perfect – and also demand from anyone to be perfect. I am against this moralism, in order to overwhelm the people.

“The ramblings, venting about climate change, I find a little embarrassing”: Hardly a member of the Parliament, Neukom for the nuclear phase-out and heard on 15. September 2014 to the winners. Photo: Keystone

But all other efforts are moot.
Yes, this is a real Problem. We would have to increase the price of the fly, so that it pays for a company perhaps, to send people abroad and it is conferred instead by Skype.

Wake you up in the climate issue, Obama-moderate expectations – you may disappoint their own voters.
To be clear: My choice would change everything. It does not need a profound change in the society, otherwise we create it. But I hope to be with my candidacy part of it.

Now we choose no climate Director. What would you do as a health Director?
health much is going wrong. The costs are on the rise. But instead of saving, we push you from one place to another. And there are Disincentives to operate unnecessarily because hospitals are profitable. It needs other requirements of the Canton, in order to reduce the pressure of competition.

Would you close hospitals?
This is not necessary. Other cost drivers are essential. The cost had not risen because there are more hospitals.

Would you pay more 80 million at the Hirslanden clinic, which dealt mainly with the profitable private patients?
no, because I would put pressure: to treat generally insured.


Created: 12.02.2019, 19:07 PM