under The Motto “Save the bees” set people’s desire for biodiversity in Bavaria, is a success. Two days prior to the expiration of the official deadline, more than a Million election registered voters, informed the initiators in Munich on Tuesday. So that the people exceeded the required number of around 950,000 signatures or ten percent of all choice desire early legitimate.

The people are the most successful could be desire for more than fifty years, explained the initiators. They called for further signatures until the end of the registration deadline on Wednesday to as much pressure as possible on the government of Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU). The official result of the national election Director released on Thursday.

the state government wants to own law suggest

The Bavarian state government must carry out within half a year – until mid August – a referendum. A simple majority is sufficient. To vote, the stricter nature conservation law was formulated by the initiators of the people’s desire in any case. According to its own announcements, the state government wants to bring in alternatively, a private law proposal in the referendum.

Up to Monday evening had already registered over a Million voters, said Agnes Becker, the Representative of the people’s desire and Deputy Chairman of the ÖDP Bayern. Becker said the more people signed on, the more pressure exists for Söder to the implementation of the demands for the protection of species.

Ludwig Hartmann, leader of the counting of the initiators of the Bavarian Green party, said that in these cold winter days, the people of desire “, a groundbreaking vote with the feet”. “Cold and in long lines the people were were standing in front of the city halls, in order to give the government of Markus Söder, a clear Signal: It is time to change course and to take a course for effective nature conservation in Bavaria.”

Söder invited already for Wednesday week a come to a round table for the multi-species diversity. “Cross-party” should be as sought after solutions and be discussed openly. “Our goal is a social consensus.” The nature should not be against the peasants protected, but with them.

farmers ‘ Association on the barricades

To one of the claims of the people’s desire, the use of pesticides in Bavaria, and to create more Blühwiesen. Also, an Expansion of organic farming should be prescribed by law.

The Bavarian farmers ‘ Association, looks behind the claims of an attack on the farmers. It will made sentiment against farmers and their property interfered with. The required Expansion of Organic production by law is also a mistake.

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request for a referendum, The Bayern want the bees

Patrick Guyton

Also, Söder had several times warned of negative consequences for farmers and, therefore, announced that plans submit to save. This should save bees and farmers – however, it is yet unclear what will propose to the Bavarian Prime Minister, specifically, in his alternative bill. (AFP)