Always continue to follow the arrows painted on the floor with chalk or the trees are aufgesprayt. On a motorway bridge, deep into a wooded area near Potsdam. A flat stepped fence, then other people, also on the search. Always continue to follow the arrows, about a half hour. Suddenly, a man stands there, he takes a five Euro entrance. Independent cinema in abandoned places. The invitations will be sent by E-mail, who was once there, you can add yourself to a list.

this Time it’s a barracks on the site of a former police. Where exactly will remain a secret. Legal all of this is not. Graffiti and tree growth have spread. The organisers have set up a Beamer, a hall illuminated, inverted plastic trash can serve as seats. It is virtually sold out, with around 70 visitors. There is free beer, Snacks, wine. A preliminary reading in the moonlight. One of the authors reads stories about a trip to Russia, the other in the Berlin city stories. The Film, a Japanese art strip, unknown and on Youtube, begins, suitable to the environment: forget and an evening to life. After the screening the Band: Swahili plays. Long-drawn-out Bass, expert guitar, voice, a deep woman. This was in the summer. Now your Album is ready.

The Villa stands in almost 20 years

The Duo has produced to songs on abandoned places. The new Album have taken the two to a large extent in an overgrown Villa in Biesenthal in Brandenburg. Almost three months in the late summer, Elena and Joseph have stayed in front of the house in Bulli. The Villa stands in almost 20 years, and since around 15 years, the site was leased by a group of artists, whose members where part of life. Here, nature has reclaimed the Man-made. Plaster crumbles from the walls, plant vines at the window, butterflies fly in the stairwell and the lake glitters in the reflections on the concrete wall.

Banjo, guitar, and stucco.Photo: promo

“Our Sound through this Setting, to fly and to let it shape, was something very Special and crucial for the emergence of the album,” says Joseph. “The contrast between the Urban, the Industrial and the Natural, Organic the field of tension of our music.” You have made a conscious decision to Digital, do not have a Laptop on stage. But, Synthesizer, Voice, Drum Machines, Sequencers, E-Make Guitars. And wind chimes, or Kalimba, an African musical instrument which is plucked with the thumb. Some of the Songs you recorded specifically in the dark with the Windows open, with the “subversive sound of the night”. Other songs were recorded on rainy days. The sounds of the natural flow in the music recordings.

The Band referred to as “analog live act”. The Album have you recorded and mixed. What first sounds a little esoteric, sounds in the final product, but not necessarily so. A mix of music from Jim Jarmusch movies, and earlier Songs of the Band “the XX”. Also you have to think about the experimental composer John Cage, the sounds in the recordings.

If you listen and know it, are the abandoned Villa, crumbling plaster, and even, perhaps, the butterflies in the stairwell. But also a Sound for the city: from the abandoned places in the surrounding area for the best frequented places in the city. On Wednesday, 13. February, presented Afar the Album to 19 o’clock in the canteen of the panorama bar in Berghain. Ticket Price: 13,81 EUR.


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