washing machine broken? The phone is on strike? The modern man takes such problems into their own hands. But the digital self-empowerment is a threat to one of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind.

guest post by Nathalie Weidenfeld

A young man who is not difficult to recognize it as Yves-Saint-Laurent-blend, looks critically at the Models on the catwalk, his seamstresses clear instructions, he walks purposefully through his Studio directly in a photo shoot, he commented self-consciously and directed. Off his voice sounds, he’s love to control everything in his life, he says, and to be his own master. Among other things, will also of his finances. That’s why he was his own Banker. And that is why he had chosen the Bfor Bank to his Bank. “I’m my own Banker,” he says. Then the Logo of the new Bank appears. A Bank, where customers can do their banking transactions exclusively online.</to be

Independently, and to take the control of life in the Hand, of course, sounds very attractive. In a cluttered world that has become almost a glorious promise. In fact, the present time seems to be better than all the other suitable for it to be his own master, or expert, you can get hold of but on the push of a button information about everything and everyone. Friendly way, the customer will be supported on the way to “Self Empowerment” of many companies strong. Who has a washing machine problem, is to first do research on the Internet, what it can be. The Same applies to phone, Internet, and other problems. To take his own in Hand – if you will – a philosophical Dimension, because it is not the language Aristotle, that the human being can only bring through the Unfolding of its total talents of his own life to the true flower?

The “Yeoman Farmer” were self-sufficient Amateurs

The Ideal of our century is increasingly digital, Yeoman. “Yeoman” was called in earlier centuries, all those peasants with some Land who were independent and free. It is the U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, who brought the Yeoman to the General Ideal. Self-sufficient and self-responsible, not morally corruptible, and the idea of equality. He is neither aristocratic intimidate, yet he will submit to foreign authorities. The “Yeoman Farmer” may have been so frugal, because he had no funds to expand, or he could not modernize in the absence of special knowledge, its agriculture, is another matter, and indeed the success of the Yeoman-Farmer Propaganda, no crash.

The Yeoman Farmer, learned in the course of time modifications. So, this in the Wake of the urbanisation and the industrialisation in the 19th century. Century of the “common man,” the simple man of the people, had no Farm, but instinctively knew what is right, and of authorities and institutions will not be intimidated.

From the Common Man to the Do-it-Yourself-Hippie

In the 1970s, the Yeoman Farmer modernised again: this Time, he was wearing long hair and colorful dresses. It was the time of the ‘ 68-Revolution, and thus also of the hippie sticking a Do-it-yourself movement. To the anti-authoritarian and anti-bourgeois movement, of the Annunciation, fit, people should have neither from their parents nor from the state, or even from schools and churches to patronize. The cult of amateurism was born, by Joseph Beuys with the formulation ennobled: “Every man is an artist.” Anyone can be a Potter, composer, author, Director, and scientists.

Today, there is again a renewal of the Yeoman-Farmer Ideal, this time in the Form of digital Yeoman, i.e. a citizen (or a citizen), the (or the) do not acquire to themselves, using the Internet, expert knowledge and decisions. He is not as self-sufficient as Jefferson’s Yeoman Farmer, because he has adapted to the expectations of the capitalist consumer culture, but he is just as little of authorities patronize, or even influence, and despised traditional institutions. Technical skills are not necessary, since he self-regulates his problems.

the Patient knows best what is good for him

The digital Yeoman is located in Germany. In addition to Tinker and build yourself as well as the Installation of Software, crisis intervention, connection problems, Solve compatibility issues and, more generally, dealing with digital products and digital infrastructure. The enlightened, modern, Patient mutated for the Yeoman. His doctor acts as a mere Information broker. He dispensed with recommendations and advice to the self-sufficiency of the Yeoman is not compromised patients. Yeoman is to take responsibility for his own care and therapy, even if he has studied neither nutritional science nor medicine. Yeoman needs no specific skills, he relies on his gut feeling, he corresponds to the Ideal of the modern, empowered patient who knows what is good for him.

The modern Yeoman devalues Expertise and professionalism. It does not need professional craftsman. He does not see why he should be the effort to a year-long Practice, learning and studying. He preferred a course of study that is short, and everything and nothing qualified. “Learning on the Job” is later enough. The attractiveness of a craft training, or a scientific degree decreases.

craft Marketing against DIY-Marketing

The Central Association of craft, trying, with large-scale campaigns to counteract. With these should be taught, that the craftsmen who built something Special, designed, baked, or created cut, and what you have created, can be proud of. “And? What did you do today?”, is provocative on the posters, on which a self-conscious craftsman proudly presents his handmade guitar, or a leg prosthesis. The Subtext is clearly: “So what can you .”

the message of The Yeoman ideology is different. As it is, rather, “not – not”, there’s analogous to the advertising slogan of a DIY chain, the benefits of course of the Yeoman ideology.

What is happening here is a clash of cultures. On the one hand, the European late medieval Tradition of craftsmanship, the professionalism and the division of tasks, the hierarchy, and the competence gap, the quality standards and the technical and aesthetic claims. On the other hand, the from the USA, ideal image of the Yeoman, the all-rounder and müssers, arranged with the Existing and Natural, none of the authorities, and not subject to the rule of law.

people trust each other. And you delegate. The price responsibility

The Ideal that celebrates the Bfor Bank, but also the formation of ideology of the OECD: if Possible, all should study, but short and non-specific, traditional training and the Humboldt’sche science ideal can equally be disposed of, expertise and competence to impede the mobility of the markets and the flexibility of the labour force.

the success story of The Bfor Bank, however, has a shadow side that faced the Bank but for some time now, with the unexpected and unwanted Problem is that the information needs of the customer is much higher than expected. Due to the onslaught of requests from the Bank Directorate in Paris was recently challenged their employees friendly invite to engage in solidarity with their colleagues from the customer’s mail section under the arms, in order to be you in the flood of E-Mails to help, even if this is your area of responsibility. If the employees see in the sense of Aristotle’ in their opportunities for development promoted, is doubtful.

people trust each other. And you delegate. The bread buyer leaves his bakery, the work of baking and familiar to him, that sold him poisoned cakes. The Patient leaves his physician the choice of drugs and familiar to him, that tells him the Right thing to do. It was just this property of Delegation and trust that has brought the people, as a species, even so far that he was able to build his civilizations. The price for the trust is the responsibility to take those people, which is familiar. And this trust is only justified if we can expect professional competence. The loss of expertise in education and in working life, the the Yeoman ideology, threatens this civilizational Pact.

The author, film studies scholar. Finally, the book “Digital humanism” (Piper) was released by you (together with Julian Nida-Rümelin).