the COPENHAGEN city COURT (Ekstra Bladet): It was after months of stress over her mother’s 24-year-old ex-girlfriend stalkede them, slept and stayed constantly in front of their tower, chiming the mother down and shouted up to them from the street, to a 20-year-old woman got enough.

She, however, would just threaten the man with the kitchen knife, which she took in the apartment before she walked down the back stairs in the apartment at Tåsingegade in Copenhagen’s Østerbro 9. June last year, at 23.55, she explained in the Copenhagen city Court, where she stands accused of attempted murder.

According to the indictment, she gave him at least 23 knivlæsioner, including in the top of the head, chin, chest, back and thigh, according to prior planning.

She refuses guilty of attempted murder, but recognises the serious acts of violence. She denies that there was proper prior planning, informed her defender, Mads Cuddle.

the Mother learned the 24-year-old to know, after he requested her friendship on Facebook. Already at his first visit with his mother, he was angry, because he might not sleep there.

After a week’s time he begins to be very stalkeragtig, explained the 20-year-old accused, who remembers an incident where she was washing up with her mother, where she did not answer the phone.

– So, he ends up with to kick the door in, because she did not take the call. He stands close to her face and says: ‘I said that you should not fucke with me.’ There are, of course, I startled, for I have seen her former boyfriend kicked the door in. So now it happened again, just with a new one, explained the young woman and continued:

– I will say that it became more and more extreme with time.

She lives alone with her mother, suffering from social anxiety and are, therefore, seen not with many people, but has a close relationship with his mother.

She explained that the 24-year-olds stood on the street in front of their apartment all the time. Every day.

– he Was there really every day, would accuse Søren Harbo know.

– The only time he was not there, was to charge his phone in a kiosk. He phoned her all the time. When we were home, it was like being in a prison. He put the paper in the door to the stairwell in order to be able to enter. He had to sleep up at our back door. We were pretty sure that it was every single night. Either by her car, down in the basement by the staircase, she replied.

She could see in her mother that she was really tired, exhausted and stressed, but still closed the mother and the man that his daughter will not describe as the mother’s boyfriend, in again time and time again.

– You can get the idea that it is the game to get him to visit again. Why are you allowing your mother it, asked the prosecutor.

– He has it, he can go from being really hot-headed to be a englebarn and have talegaverne in the order and apologize, so my mom will get hurt in the heart, she answered.

in the evening, where she stuck him, the mother had told her that he had taken a stranglehold on her in half a minute.

– There I go in a choktilstand. I can’t understand how my mother can deserve it. I can remember that I wrote a little threatened message for him, she explained.

the Same evening he would come to her some clothing, which the mother asked out of the entryway. At the same time, she also some food out for him, because he had not eaten for a long time.

The accused took a kitchen knife and walked down the back stairs.

– What was the meaning of the here knife, asked the prosecutor.

– in fact, It was just that I would threaten him.

When she locked herself in the entryway, she could see that he was standing with some big eyes.

– It actually came somewhat as a shock, as he stood there, she said.

I choose to sting him. I poke him two times, she explained and said she later got to know that it was many more times.

– But, as I was told by my lawyer you can get something blackout, she said, and added that she believes that she has been afraid that he took the knife.

– I believe that I have stuck in panic over, that was going to happen me something, she said.

when Questioned by counsel she replied to the question about whether she was afraid that would happen to her something like:

– Yes, I did. I went into a panic. I think that is why I remember it so well.

She denied that her mother knew something. She first came down afterwards, and along dried the blood in the entryway with some towels, as the mother hid in a cavity in the badeværelsesloftet.

prosecutor Søren Harbo came in on the relationship between the mother and the injured in his presentation of the case.

– I think I can permit myself to say, that (the mother, red.) did not want to continue the relationship, said the prosecutor Søren Harbo and added that the complainant was not satisfied with that relationship stopped and visited them many times. Including stood and cried in front of their ascent.

The victim is giving evidence in the case at 13.

The young woman was arrested along with her mother and remanded in custody in a grundlovsforhør in Dommervagten in Copenhagen 10. June of last year. Both charged with attempted murder.

But barely three weeks later the mother was released after a questioning.

– It is because the explanations we have had, all suggest that it is the daughter who is hovedgerningsmand, said Carsten Ahrends from the Department for Personfarlig Crime in the Copenhagen Police to Extra Magazine in June last year.

the 112 – 10. jun. 2018 – at. 20:59 Mother and daughter in prison for the brutal attempted murder of a young man: crime scene filled with blood stains