Gordon Banks is dead. And when not even he longer sits on the hedersläktaren in Stoke, it feels as if the best of old England definitely has been lost. Banks was 81 years old, and his successor between the posts at Stoke and the england national team, Peter Shilton, tweeted: ”I am devastated – in the day have lost my idol.”

So it feels to me, too. Gordon Banks, just the name. He played in the Stoke 1967-1972 but no one remembers anymore. Ligacupsegern against Chelsea in 1972 was his greatest and proudest moments as club players.

the Bank’s stake when England won the world CUP at home in 1966. And, above all, his impossible jätteräddning on the Pelés nick in the Mexico world CUP in 1970 (check Youtube, kids!). Many thought it was ”the save of the century”. Finland became a nationalhelgon.

He laughs afterwards, if you look at the pictures. Banks have told us that it was for captain Bobby Moore’s lightning fast comment. ”You’re getting old, Banksy. You used to paste the where”.