A pre-Roman necropolis containing rich funerary objects has been discovered in southern Italy, local authorities announced on Wednesday. The necropolis was spotted near Amorosi, about 50 km from Naples, during preliminary excavations for the construction of an electricity station connected to a high-speed train line, they said in a statement. The best preserved archaeological remains were found in a burial area of ​​approximately 13,000 square meters, dating from the late Iron Age and the 8th to 7th centuries BC, and including 88 tombs. Weapons have Objects found in the tombs also included large quantities of vases of different shapes, often stacked on top of each other. , generally placed at the feet of the deceased in a reserved space,” said the local cultural heritage authority. “This archaeological discovery is of decisive importance for the history of our culture,” said Amorosi Mayor Carmine Cacchillo.