How many times have we not seen various dream job be advertised and wondered to ourselves if they are real?

Often describes the ads to a post that sounds like that barely work in it, to a huge salary and a great working environment.

English The Sun has interviewed some of those who have been lucky enough to be selected for the dream job.

Is this a dream job? Travel the globe in a year

the Australian Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world and is located out of the continent’s sunny east coast.

In 2009, one of the ‘wont’ of the coral reef, which meant a salary of almost 600.000 dollars to travel around Australia for six months.

the 43-year-old Ben Southall was selected from among 34.000 applicants and describes it as an amazing experience – but it was also exhausting.

– The hardest was to do the best that I could, all the time. This meant that I constantly forced myself to work long hours to ensure that my effort was really good, Ben Southall.

Yet he will remember it as one of the most epoch-making experiences, where he also used the time to create his own film company.

Ten years after the pinches he still himself in the arm over the possibility.

Holiday – 8. christmas. 2016 – pm. 20:00 Wild snapchats ensure copenhagen the world’s coolest jobs

At the Soneva Fushi Resort in the Maldives to find uk Hugo 25 years. To the daily, he works in the resort’s three bookstores, manager instagramkontoen Barefoot Bookseller and blog and organise events for tourists.

Hugo beat thousands of applicants who applied for a dream job, and it has been an amazing experience, he says.

I have been able to read and talk about great books, snorkel in my lunch break, and I have met people from all over the world.

however, There are some minuses.

– It is a great job in three months, but I would not be able to handle being bogforhandler in the Maldives in my whole life.

the 38-year-old Richard James was working on and lives on a daily basis near St Michaels Mount, there is a beautiful tidal island off Cornwall, England.

His job title Visitor Services Manager, which means that he is responsible for the visitors who come to the island.

– the Job in itself is hugely rewarding with many challenges, which keeps me busy, and improvements, making the island besøgsværdig regardless of the weather or time of year, he says.