Trafikkontorets procured contractors shall ensure ensure that the locals can find their way on the city’s sidewalks. But this winter has removal of the snow bitwise not worked at all – and the city of Stockholm has received thousands of complaints about the slipperiness.

People have had fallen and hurt himself. The elderly and the disabled have not dared to take on the often glashala bases.

Daniel Helldén (MP) now acknowledges deficiencies in the removal of the snow and says that the contractors have not attended to their own mission they have received from the city.

– It has not worked well. It runs as well as not to say something else. Our entrepreneurs have failed and not sandat as it should. The sand has not come out. There has been a lack simply. It is not reasonable that it should look like this, ” he says.

the Traffic office is investigating now why the contractors have not handled their assignments. To DN says Daniel Helldén, that it may be appropriate to impose the penalty and that the contractors may have been guilty of breach of contract. This, he noted in a press release that was sent out on Monday.

” I know at the moment why. It is there that we shall investigate, ” says Daniel Helldén.

” No, it can’t. It does not have the money to do, but the question is how we write the criteria in the agreements. The agreements we have had with the contractors has, in many cases, not been sufficiently sharp when it comes to when to start and clear the sidewalks.

” No. If they have not done it as it says in the agreements as it is for any other reason. It has nothing with money to do.

Daniel Helldén says that trafikkontorets the main focus now is to ensure that the contractors sandar and plows to get to grips with the slipperiness.

” We’re focused right now on getting to everything to work.

” well, Yes…. I can only say that there should not be as icy as it had been but there should be sand, so as not to slip around. It is only to regret that it became as it became. We must see to it that it is sand.

Read more: Delays in the Stockholm bus due to the slipperiness

Read more: More women than men seek health care when the ice turns to

Read more: problems in the stockholm traffic