Something has happened: The bds humor has been of norwegians in Norway. Ylvis. Christine Hope. Marit Voldsæter. Fast men. Dagfinn Lyngbø. Kysthovedstadens comedians have got a foothold in the norgeshovedstaden, and when Vidar Magnussen and Carl Fredrik “Calle” Hellevang Larsen now shower under the title “Together again, for the first time” it is without first having tested the material in their common homeland. They release it directly on the loose on the oslopublikummet from the main stage at the Laughter.

BERGENSHUMORENS characteristics can not be discussed without first separating the innlandshumor and kysthumor. Completely fixed is not the limits, but they have to do with blandingsforholdene between exaggeration and understatement, extroversion and introversion. Also along the Norwegian coast varies through the ranks of the one against the other, but it’s generally more of everything – especially overdrivelsene – between fjords and mountains than it is in the valleys and over the hills into the country. Tossing between is bråere, the fluctuations are larger, and it also happens that it is not broken between apparently contradictory phenomena. Instead they run side by side. It applies for example for enthusiasm, sarcasm and absurdity, which can act in alternation, or in parallel and at the same time. Either-or will ever-away to both-and-and-besides.

cultural differences is often been compared to the weather. The shifts between wind and quiet, sun and rain, going faster the closer one comes to the sea. The oslofjord is not the sea. In fact, if a do a test on whether one is innlandsmenneske or kystmenneske is this the most effective: do you Think that the Oslo fjord is the sea? The extremes are no longer there. Bergenshumoren, it has also put just as much emphasis on the verbal – often in furious pace – and the physical – like in furious pace. Both in words and in action is the temper more unpredictable in bergenshumoren than in other kysthumor, to and with the northern. Bergenshumoren is also urban, and bergenseren is european. Digresjonene can be many and would, but they – and this is a central kvalitetstegn – is not random. Well-placed detours and astray expands not only the main theme, they are also together among themselves and put tilleggsnivåer to the base level.

ALL could also have been said about Calle Hellevang Larsen and Vidar Magnussens humor especially. Each for themselves and together they are examples of the from bergen with broad appeal and at the same time distinctive. When the two open their show with funeral for one, it is both surprising and typical. When they continue with gladvold there as well people, bildeplansjer and the dolls have roles, likewise. I dare predict that the “Together again, for the first time together” is a show that is going to do good luck also if it is sent on a national tour after the end of the betting period in Oslo.

Let the threads keep machetene Columnist