According to the national museum, discussions began on the issues with the Ministry of culture earlier in the week. Anna Söderström, press secretary of the culture and demokratiminister Amanda Lind (MP), writes in a comment:

”the Ministry of culture has a good dialogue with the national museum and they will come to you in connection with the budgetunderlaget. Looking departments and the museum jointly at a solution where it’s all about finding a reasonable cost level. It is in everyone’s interest to have a well-functioning, and even in the long term,” writes Anna Söderström.

– If it needed some adjustments for the museums overall, it is a question for future budgeting. We will come back to what are the solutions that you can see, also says the minister of culture, Amanda Lind to the SVT culture news.

as DN could tell that the national museum is drawn with the economic troubles. According to director Susanna Pettersson, the deficit for the year sek 30 million. The main reason is reported to be rising costs as a result of the high besökstrycket ago återöppningen in October.

the national museum has according to its own estimates a need of at least 60 million annually in state compensation, in order to be able to handle the free entrance at the museum. Without entry increases, namely the institution’s costs by an estimated sek 60 for each new visit, according to Susanna Pettersson.

Free admission-the reform has again become a centre for cultural policy conflict. The first was the bet in the budget from the M and KD as the parliament voted through in the late fall. Then, in connection with the publication of the so-called januariavtalet, the news came from minister of culture to drive will be reinstated.

Research in cultural policy spokesperson, Lotta Finstorp, writes in a comment to the DN that the party is advocating that entry to be paid:

– We believe that it is reasonable that visitors account for a large part of the cost, especially when the economy is bad. We think that it is more important that our museums are able to maintain a high-quality business than it should be for free, write Lotta Finstorp.

the constitutional law committee, says that the issue is something that you will need to bring up during budget negotiations.

– You can solve this dilemma in different ways. I don’t want to promise any money, but I do not think that you solve it by become less popular to visitors or to limit their range, ” says Christer Nylander.

The total state compensation for free admission to state museums have previously been on close to 80 million per year, which is apportioned to the 18 institutions that are covered by the bet. That the national museum would be assigned to three-quarters of the aid does not see Nylander as a possible.

– It is not, and then you would need to widen the pot. I have heard similar signals from other directions. Free admission is very good, it means that you get more visitors, but at the same time, increased wear and pressure. You may analyze this properly and see the folding of resources that are needed, ” he says.

– It is an option, but you must ask and weigh it against other pressing bets in the field of culture. I dare not promise it now.