“The police violate – and use racial profiling”

“line from the social pedagogue of the police methods”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. After having worked my entire professional life in our suburbs, I can say that the police Martin Marmgrens reasoning is flawed and insufficient.”

“I have met countless unpunished, well-behaved ”rasifierade” persons who have been forced to endure various forms of abusive behaviour from police officers.”

“Sometimes in connection to a crime has been committed which the police on the very vague grounds, and with the help of ”racial profiling” decided to stop these people, in many cases, this has occurred without any crime committed.”

“Often scanned the people in front of parents, friends and acquaintances in public places. In addition, it has also been treated in a way that clearly indicated that it, ”should shut up and obey”.”

“Those who have been stopped often in retrospect once again had to defend themselves against prejudice from other residents, ”no smoke without fire”…”

“On countless occasions we have active and involved youth leader, sports coach and others from the local civil society misstänkligjorts, stopped and treated as criminals, without any reasonable reason.”

“Every time this happens confirmed and reinforced an experience of the inequitable power structure which leads to a loss of trust and confidence in the police.”

“It is just the image of older criminals want to convey to young people: ”You will never be treated the same way as if you were blonde””

“Everyone reacts differently to this unequal treatment. Not infrequently, people who are normally not aggressive or konfrontativa been there time after time, become vulnerable. Police behaviour leads to people acting out and become of.”

“It is important to put this in context, people with ickevit colour already live under unequal conditions in the education system, in the labour market, nightlife and a variety of other contexts.”

“the Police have time and again said that they ”actively work against these issues”. At the same time, avoiding the solution that may perhaps constitute the greatest guarantee for a real change – to ensure that it has an authority that reflects the country’s population and is characterized by diversity.”

“nAnders Cardell, social pedagogue”

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“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here:”