“Unusual that the killer is sentenced to care”
“the Man who killed his wife and the couple’s two children in Gothenburg has been sentenced to forensic psychiatric care.”
“A rather unusual ruling, when most of the killer now sentenced to prison.”
“on Sunday 2 september last year, I called a man in Gothenburg the police and said that he had taken the life of his family.”
“It turned out to be. The wife had eaten and the kids soaked. Then he killed them, he tried to commit suicide by drinking lighter fluid and chlorine.”
“– I felt that the devil was after me, read the explanation in the hearing.”
“That the Gothenburg district court comes to the conclusion that it is murder doesn’t surprise. Nor is it surprising that the sanctions in relation is judged to be life in prison. Three related parties, two of whom are completely defenseless children, have been murdered.”
“But the national laboratory of forensic science have come to the conclusion that the man was under the influence of a serious mental disorder when he committed the offence, a disorder he suffers from.”
“According to the law, a court then, in the first hand judge to the psychiatric care. But it is possible to make exceptions. For example, if the committed crimes lead to severe punishment, which undeniably would be appropriate in this case.”
“none the less becomes the sentence, forensic psychiatric care. This is because he has acted upon the delusions, and that he is not by the rus or something similar caused her condition myself.”
“Interesting in this context is that Sweden has a unique legislation. In almost all countries, which is comparable to our deemed severely mentally disturbed offenders otillräkneliga, and therefore can not be judged for their actions.”
“In approximately this way it has been ever since the first civilized legal systems took shape. Children and the mentally ill has taken a criminal status.”
“So was the case in Sweden, up until the current penal code was introduced in 1965 and the morally questionable scheme was introduced to also can not help for their deeds are held responsible.”
“Important in this context is also that forensic psychiatry is not an exact science. The limit for when the court will decide for the care instead of prison, goes to move and have been moved by the politicians.”
“Through a couple of changes in the law, the riksdag has gradually reduced the courts’ space to avoid jail time for the mentally ill. It has had an effect.”
“In the 1970s, was sentenced to two thirds of the assailants to the psychiatric care. The corresponding figure today is about 10%.”
“the Consequence? Mentally ill persons who are sentenced to prison instead of getting the care they need to risk to come out and be just as dangerous or even more dangerous.”
“Today’s ruling is quite unusual. It means certainly not that it is incorrect.”