the Decision, which was taken on the valprövningsnämndens meeting on Wednesday, means that the original result in the municipal elections to be suspended.

In a press release, writes the board to evaluate the postsäck with 145 windows with förtidsröster that ended up on the wrong track as a ”derogation in accordance with the electoral law”.

with ballot papers submitted for the late Choice – and demokratinämnden in Falun was 126 votes in the municipal elections, 125 landstingsvalet and 142 parliamentary elections.

Valprövningsnämnden has reviewed the 126 votes can affect the outcome of the election.

Provided that each voice is follows the same distribution among the parties that it is now null and void the outcome of the election is the probability that the outcome would be affected more than 40 percent, according to the board’s calculation.

within three months. For Falun does it mean by the beginning of may this year.

The perception that an election gone wrong can appeal to the Valprövningsnämnden. In the present case sent the appeal in on the municipal elections in Falun, landstingsvalet in the Valleys and parliamentary elections. In the latter two cases, the court dismissed the board’s appeal.