Daniel Thym has virtually no Resemblance to Angela Merkel. Not to be confused also Christian Hillgruber, with Horst Seehofer is as good as impossible. But if the new CDU leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer on Sunday night, you “shop talk” to the refugee of the year 2015 and the impact opened, the two constitutional law professors from Konstanz and Bonn, so to speak, on behalf of the two absent the main actors on a Podium in the Konrad-Adenauer-house.

The idea is less strange than it appears at first glance, the dispute over refugee policy, but to Seehofer’s polemics about a “reign of injustice,” very legal. Thym is not roughly speaking for Merkel’s “going Back to the border”, Hillgruber for Seehofer’s “Go!” The political scientist Egbert Jahn, and the spiritual father of the Turkey agreement, Gerald Knaus, complete the circle of the discussants in the Chapter “review” of the two-day event.

The idea is also, of course, cunning. The bitter dispute between the CDU and the CSU will be treated in this way, after all. At the same time, an experts ‘ debate on the interpretation of complex European regulation texts brings with it the Chance, even for the subsequent pacification of contributing, according to the Motto: If the professors argue, will probably have each side a little bit right.

With the main actors on the Podium wouldn’t work anyway. Seehofer has not seriously considered, to invite. Merkel, too, had early let it be known that they would not come to the event, the sound as Kramp-karrenbauer announced in the election campaign the CDU-Chairman, in the meantime, almost as a thing of truth Commission and Tribunal. The SPD from work today to Hartz IV, had declared the Saar countries of the Union must take care that your stay in the refugee dispute, not just as a millstone to hang around the neck. Your solution: Once all cutting and from there to the front view.

looking to The future, the selection of participants

Actually the shaping in the front-View of the program and the selection of participants. The CSU is represented, for example, the most prominent of Bavaria’s interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. The man has a high Reputation in the professional world, and among the Conservatives, but in the political dispute, never the front. This makes it the ideal occupation within the meaning of the peace pledge, the Kramp – Karrenbauer, and the new CSU leader Markus Söder have delivered: profile Yes, arguing no.

The deliberate Franke, together with the baden-württemberg counterpart, and CDU Vice Thomas Strobl on Monday the discussion group that deals with open-ended questions of internal security and the deportation. Three additional groups of issues to parallel days: A to questions of European law and the European border security, a “regulation and control of Migration in and to Germany,” the third to “local Integration”.

in these working groups Kramp-karrenbauer relies heavily on practitioner and politician, the mayor of the city of Essen, Thomas skid, or the CDU-interior expert Armin Schuster, a former border policeman, in which the party boss in their time as Secretary General of the Council had brought. The pragmatic approach is already your understanding of politics. On the Saar, their government approached the refugee crisis in their shirtsleeves as successful – the AfD plays a major role.

“the result of the backup/recommendations for action” provides the program then, before Secretary-General Paul Ziemiak imagine what was rigged in the workshop. The recommendations for action are likely to find then in the European election programme – the first joint of the CDU and the CSU for a long time. And it is not commitments dared to predict that parts of the catalog of the SPD will be presented when the end of the year in the coalition agreement agreed to a review. Kramp-Karrenbauer has finally been announced as a guest of the CSU in the monastery of Seeon and under vigorous Nod of the Christian social that the Union is not going to leave it to the SPD, follow-up to order.

“The dispute a new Unity” – this production seems to be backed up

The production of “saved From the hassle a new Unity” seems to be. Whether the deeper conflict places, is open. Although a peace formula according to the pattern: Merkel’s first Welcome was in order, then things went wrong and the Rest was poorly communicated. But the Remote of the Chancellor and of the present Federal Minister of the interior show, however, on shaky feet, this part of the reconciliation. Merkel herself has offered in the run-up in the smaller circle times, ironically, as a witness. But on a Podium in the Adenauer house, sitting either as a defendant or even a defender to this emotional insult, tell people you know that you wanted to save your party as well as themselves better.