page-by-Page promise to make the SPD leadership on the weekend. “A new social state for a new time,” the 17-page paper, which will decide the party’s Executive Board at its retreat. Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert, actually, the duration critic of the party leadership, is impressed by the plans: “quantum jumps,” he calls the ideas. “We will solve us from a leaden debate of the last few years.”

Kühnert, referring to the eternal internal party dispute over Hartz IV. In the current paper, but it is more than a Hartz-Reform. The social Democrats want to provide the citizens with answers to questions such as: What happens when a Computer takes over in the future, my Job? Or: How can family and work be reconciled? Some of the SPD ideas are new, others have been around for longer. How the Whole thing will be funded is unclear.

Twelve Euro minimum wage

a Good three months before the European elections, the Comrades want to score with a social-democratic classic. “Our goal is the perspective of raising the minimum wage to twelve Euro”, – stated in the social paper. The minimum wage could, however, be only a “lower limit”, the real goal of decent wages.

Thus, the social Democrats continue their course of the past few years to reconcile after the Agenda policy with the trade unions. With a “collective loyalty law” do you want to make even companies, for tax purposes, better to pay the Tariff.

response to the digitization

“a Lot of people is the fear of social descent in case of loss of employment”, – stated in the paper. One reason is the digitization. More and more Computer functions have been in the past, people used. The fear of unemployment intend to oppose the social Democrats. If “the workplace threatens wegzufallen”, should there be a “claim for retraining”. To be funded for three years by the state. Also, the SPD wants to introduce a “legal right to continuing education” – to give people better chances on the labour market.

so Far, the social Democrats failed, with the idea of the opposition of the Union. The agreed only to a right to counsel for a training. Since the beginning of the year, the right to training, not been able to enforce the SPD in the Grand coalition.

In the view, the SPD also takes the “Solo-self-employed”. Are meant to be about couriers, the Smartphone-App orders and and then with the Cycling of food delivery. The want to include the SPD “in the protection of the statutory old-age pension”. The Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) had announced already in January – so “is not at the end of the other with their taxes, these people on basic income support”. For years, there is a discussion of how poverty in old age among the more than four million self-employed in Germany can be prevented.

New business models such as the digital “delivery platforms” welcomes the SPD. But there is always more “work, which lie on the border between self-employment and dependent employment”. There is a need, therefore, a “new concept of a Worker”. The question of the trade unions and the social Democrats have been working for years. As Minister for social Affairs, SPD leader Andrea Nahles launched already in 2016, a “process of dialogue work 4.0”. When there are concrete results is unclear.

Flexible working hours

Particular attention will put the SPD on the agreement of family and career. The Comrades respond to the value change in the society. “More and more women and men want to divide paid work and family work in partnership”, – stated in the SPD paper. The “model of the family working time” should, therefore, encourage parents to financially take care of both the children’s education. New, however, is not. Thus, the SPD Deputy Director Manuela was Schwesig to her time as a Federal Minister of family Affairs in the election campaign of 2017.

in Order to create more flexibility in the Job, wants to introduce the SPD is also a “law on mobile Work and home office to legislate”. Of these, around 40 per cent of the workforce could benefit. That working at home does not only have advantages, the Enjoyed. You want to protect the “right to not access” so that the boss can call his employees at any time of the day and night time in the home office.

More personal freedom is also a “time account”. For example, Overtime to be accumulated. The saved time should then be able to for a time-out to be used – for example, for childcare, care of relatives, or simply for recreation.

citizens ‘ money and children’s basic security

especially the pressure on the unemployed to reduce the SPD and children more support. Both announce top enjoyed for months. A “Children’s security”, aims to reduce youth poverty. Older people should receive up to three years of unemployment benefit I. The loaded term “Hartz IV” avoids the SPD. Instead, the money is in the current paper, by a “citizen” of the speech. Who applies, should have an easier time than in Hartz IV and more training. The SPD also wants a Reform of the “housing benefits”, so that “no one cost only, due to high residential” on state aid is dependent. In the SPD controversial sanctions should remain in Parts. But: “A complete elimination of benefits will be.”

the Whole process Can be to enforce?

In the Grand coalition, the SPD will not be able to enforce their plans, surely. In the past, the Comrades from the Union were turning in front of a to the left in social policy warned. Who wants to lend a Hand to Hartz IV, hazardous to the cooperation in the Grand coalition, it was recently from the Union. It is also unclear how the social Democrats want to Fund their ideas. The Deputy head of the FDP parliamentary group, Michael Theurer, etches already have the “choice gifts” of the Comrades: “the money in the social funds is not part of the SPD.”