Since a few days, the French lawyer Frédéric Doyez tried, the for the 20. February’s planned film release of François ozone, “Grâce à Dieu” in France with a restraining order. It is not acceptable that a Film, to the prejudice of his client, has to justify in the near future for paedophile Attacks in the past.

Doyer defended the Lyon Eser priest Bernard Preynat, located in the municipality of Sainte-Foy-lèsLyon from 1986 to 1991 in more than 70 cases of sexual Assault on supervised by him / her scouts is guilty. Many actions are time-barred, but a new law, the “Loi Schiappa,” extended the Statute of limitations for sexually motivated crimes.

“Grâce à Dieu”, the Palace on Friday celebrating the world premiere in the Berlinale, is of this scandal. In the center of the ozone-authored screenplay of one of the victims, Alexandre is, the more fellow sufferers to find the power to go after years to the Public.

The Archbishop of Lyon since the beginning of January, before the court

The affair Preynat, which reads like countless others, responsible for the Catholic Church for years in many countries, has long been overshadowed by scandal savage. Philippe Barbarin, since 2002, the Archbishop of Lyon, since 7. January, together with six other accused in the Lyon court, for non-display of the sexual Assaults Preynats. Barbarin covered the sinful priest and left him to his internal confessions in office. By 2015, Preynat remained in the care of children and adolescents entrusted to. Against the Church of silence, cartel, the now adult victims have founded the Association “La Parole Libérée” (The liberated word). Of the formation of ozone.

In the pilgrimage town of Lourdes had said Barbarin 2016, the allegations against Preynat had was “thank God is time-barred”. A formulation that has triggered public outrage and the film’s title explains, “Grâce à Dieu”, thank God. The affair barbarian rocked French society. In France, the so – called Patronage, with Church children’s and youth’s free time, especially to school-free Wednesday afternoons, a fixed Tradition, they year belongs to the social formation of Mind. The still strong in the Catholic Faith-rooted country gives of the Church’s pedagogy almost blind trust.

in Addition, the affair hits Preynat the Catholic Church of France, already geographically, as it were, the marrow. Because at the scene of the process, in Lyon, was once home to the first Christians of Gaul. The persecution in the Roman capital of the province under Marcus Aurelius in the year 177 ended in martyrdom. The Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourvière, which was built to honor the Martyrs, is the landmark of the city on the Western Bank of the Saône. As the most important French Archbishop Philippe Barbarin also bears the title “Primate of the Gauls” and took part in the Conclave for the Pope’s choice of Benedict as well as Pope Francis. He himself also was considered as a possible candidate. The return of the cardinal got, among other things, of Lyons mayor.

The Pope invited “shame and remorse”

But not only in the Public and the media brought the Calls began to increase since 2016, according to a resignation of the Archbishop. Pierre Vignon, a Catholic priest in the 150 kilometres away in Saint-Martin-en-Vercors, launched last summer, so an Internet petition. More than 100 000 people have signed in a few days. Vignon claimed that a barbarian, who had taken as its two predecessor, not for a public reappraisal of the multiple child abuse, it should now make at least the Pontiff. Pope Francis had called for the long overdue refurbishment of the clerical abuse in “shame and remorse”. The barbarian miss, complained Vignon.

Berlinale 2019 – competitive film view more images of 1 of 25Foto: By Amesen / Berlinale29.01.2019 09:18The Chinese Director Wang Quan’an returns with “Öndög” in the Mongolian Steppe, where his bear-winner…Back More

Where Pope Francis belongs in the abuse debate to date is contradictory. For one thing, he made the Australian Archbishop George Pell to his top chief financial officer, also responsible for because of abuse in court. On the other hand, he invites this month for the abuse-crisis peak, and was two days ago for the first time, the sexualized Attacks on Catholic nuns, in allusion to the alleged incidents of the French Johann community.

The Church is the method referred to as a display process

The province of a priest Pierre Vignon was one of his Offices revoked as punishment for his involvement. Also, this turn has encouraged Preynats former victims in the assumption that the Church does not learn. So the members of “La Parole Libérée” try it now, with a civil law suit after the criminal case against cardinal Barbarin 2016 due to Statute of limitations, had been discontinued.

Interactive map: All of the Berlinale cinemas and the program

the court in Lyon, now the scene of a public debate that does not want to lead the Church. You referred to the proceedings as a show trial. Against this Background, François ozone’s Film unit is now in the focus of the lawyers.

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Francois ozone’s “other lovers” From the Couch in the head

Andreas Busche

in addition to a possible injunction by Preynats lawyer, on the 15. February will be decided, there is a second element of uncertainty. One of the court people, which is put cover-up on the load, Régine Maire, a former employee of the Lyon Eser diocese. They demanded the end of January, through your lawyer, that your Name should not appear in the documentary sound Film. The Berlinale is no information available to date, the requested injunctions might have an impact on the Premiere of “Grâce à Dieu” in the competition.