Encrypted live -a series of original character Alexy Hall returned to the familiar rowan street Thursday in the section.Alexy Salinia actress Tuomas Kytömäki 2014. KARI PEKONEN

encryption you live -a series of original character Alexy Hall made his return to the series Thursday night to see the episode.

Aleksi left the mountain ash street a long time ago and moved with her daughter Nakkilaan. Now Alexy, however, returned to help the good friend Kari Taalasmaa, whose car repair shop Taalasbiili has been recently only in the wind. Aleksilla, in turn, is a successful car repair shop in petah tikva.

Alex and Karin encounter didn’t go in tonight’s episode very peaceful. Someone previously tried to burn Karin’s workshop, and Kari thought the shop sneaking of Alexia the scene of the fire burned been burned down and hit this with his fist. Karin astonishment was quite a while from the floor rise to his head holding Alexy.

Tuomas Kytömäki show by Aleksi Hall (right.) is Salinien family’s oldest child. EERO LIESIMAA