the Swedish transport administration’s director general Lena Erixon must realize that the planned höghastighetsbanorna will not give the effect that is intended. What is needed instead is a powerful bet on the motorways.

Sweden is planning to build checked as well. Consciously or unconsciously, it lurks politicians and the general public that this will give a very good effect.

that this huge bet is going to have a marginal effect. To get the trains to run on time required according to the japanese calculations to be checked as well in all its ‘ route, go separate. At the same time, the companies Alstom and Siemens decided that their high speed to go faster than 249 km/h as maintenance costs rise too sharply.

Lena Erixon, why go this miljardrullning on a döfött projects that ultimately must be completed in order to expensive money in order to achieve an optimal solution? We do not want to have a train system that is timely and robust and can handle the present and future of stronger weather?

A far better solution is in this case motorways. China has defined magnettåget as one of its strategic spearhead areas where you want to be a world leader.

developing medelhastighets and höghastighetsmagnettåg plus a HSR train for speeds of 400 kilometres an hour. However, will probably have the speed to be lowered because of the wear and tear on wheels and rail. This does not affect the completely touchless magnettåget.

should it be between the five cities by 2020. The current is 150 cities around and 107 tourist destinations. Consequently covers both mid-sized and small cities, and is thus applicable to Swedish conditions.

Lena Erixon, why investigate not magnettåget for Swedish conditions? Neither China, Korea or Japan assesses low – and medium speed and höghastighetsmagnettåg as unproven technology. Why Sweden?

It costs more to maintain a HSR facility for speeds of 250 kilometers an hour than to build and maintain a magnettågsanläggning. We shall then have a facility for 320 kilomeer in the hour in mixed traffic, the maintenance tenfold versus magnettåget.

to this? One example is the Oslo–Stockholm that will be a much more effective solution than the sketched HSR solution.

we do not Want to have an infrastructure that is robust and not affected by cancellation of train for the minimum wind, snow, leaves on the rails? Magnettåget in Shanghai, which has been in continuous operation since december 31, 2003 has an availability of 99,98% and a total daily delay is defined down to seconds.

It has had full operation during typhoon Matsa, with winds of 50 meters per second and in Shanghai-the worst snowstorms in 50 years. All other infrastructure has stood still.

The låghastighetsmagnettåg run started in Beijing (S1-banana) and Chansha have not had a single incident during the time from the traffic start. In other words, several years of undisturbed operation.