If I had not been elected president, we would have been in a major war with North Korea right now, with potentially millions of people killed, said U.s. president Donald Trump during nattas speech about the kingdom’s condition.

the Statement comes nearly a year and a half after Trump threatened North Korea with “total annihilation” in a speech to the Un general assembly.

In the days, weeks and months that followed the UN speech. was the already irascible ordkrigen between Donald Trump and North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-un stepped violently up. Nickname as “mentally disturbed senile gambling”, “rakettmannen” and “gærningen” were exchanged in the potentially deadly ordkrigen between the two.

at the same time longed for large parts of the international community for a lasting peaceful solution to the Korea conflict. The pressure to find just such a solution increased in line with the krigshissingen between Trump and Kim.

CONTROVERSIAL: Americans ‘ president, Donald Trump, has stepped up the rhetoric against North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un after he shot a missile over Japan. This is some of the statements his about North Korea in recent months. Video: CNN Show more Historical meeting

Nevertheless, it did a diplomatic gasp across the world when in the year it became known that Trump and Kim had agreed to meet to attempt to arrive at a solution.

The historic summit in Singapore in June 2018, which marked the first time in history where a sitting us president met the leader of the world’s most closed and isolated regime, ended in a common slutterklæring on four points Trump and Kim could agree on. In the most central point is stated that “North Korea is committed to work towards a full atomnedrustning on Koreahalvøya”.

– do you Remember when they made “the Karate Kid” 25 years after? That is what this is

Since both parties had to endure harsh criticism of the agreement, as a wide range of experts believe was far too little concrete.

In the course of the eight months that have passed since the agreement was signed, however, there has been conducted a single nuclear test or prøveoppskyting of ballistic missiles in North Korea. Nevertheless, there is little evidence that the north Korean atomvåpenprogrammet has been weakened significantly since last summer.

HISTORICAL MEETING: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.s. president Donald Trump met in Singapore last summer. Photo: Saul Loeb / AFP / NTB Scanpix Show more – Hide nuclear weapons

Now also suggest leaks from a classified united nations report that North Korea is moving its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles to new hiding spots, to prevent that they are being “taken out” of the potential U.S.-led militærangrep.

It claims an unnamed diplomat affiliated with the Un security council, in an interview with CNN refers to the classified report.

According to the channel, which also has seen excerpts of the report, the report shows that the north Korean atomvåpenprogrammet still live in the best of health, shortly before a planned second summit between U.s. president Donald Trump, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un takes place in Vietnam.

– Much work remains to be done, but I have a good relationship with Kim Jong-un, said Trump in the night, and stated that there is planned a new summit with the north Korean leader 27. and 28. February.

As late as last week praised Trump north koreans to have achieved “tremendous progress” in the negotiations. The anonymous UN source said to CNN that the recent report suggests that Kim Jong-un is trying to ensure that the country’s atomvåpenarsenal is stridsklart.

North Korea-the alarm went in the Basement. Experts are pointing at Kims atomfjell – Defying the security council

CNN has seen a summary of the report, where according to the channel claimed that North Korea, which has requested that the sanctions against the country must be lifted, “continues to defy the security council resolutions through a sharp increase in illegal transfers of petroleum products and coal from the ships to the ships”.

In the summary is also North Korea accused of violating the Un arms embargo against the country, by supplying firearms and other military equipment to Libya, Sudan, and Houthi insurgents in Yemen, via foreign intermediaries.

– Kims counselors have directed the game in a totally brilliant way

Stone Boardroom, a professor at the fredsforskningsinstituttet PRIO, is in no way surprised that Kim Jong-un has not come further in to get rid of the country’s atomvåpenarsenal.

– There is no reason to believe that North Korea should give up nuclear weapons, or end its nuclear program in the short term. It is something North Korea has a long-term goal in connection with a fredsslutning on the Korean peninsula. It will take a long, long time, ” says Boardroom to the Newspaper.

Kims main forhandlingskort is the artillery that is deployed at the demilitarized zone, and nuclear weapons. You give not from you forhandlingskortene until you have played with them in international diplomacy, ” he continues.

the Boardroom was still among those who reacted with disappointment when the slutterklæringen as Kim and Trump agreed during the summit in Singapore was published last summer.

Today’s winner is clearly Kim Jong-un. He has achieved a lot and have secured themselves full freedom of action on the way forward. He gave no concessions and have not agreed on anything beyond what he had already done prior to the meeting, said the Boardroom to the Newspaper right after the agreement was signed in June.

ATOMNEDRUSTNING: Us president Donald Trump, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met last summer for a historic signing. Here we explain what the two have signed. Video: Anna Näumann / Dagbladet Show more Show more – A blessing

today, he is however aware that Donald Trump has played an absolutely central role to calm down the situation between the two countries which apparently was on the brink of war.

– There is no doubt that Trump has been a great blessing for both North and South Korea. The situation now is very much better than it probably would have been under any other president, believes the Boardroom.

He believes Trumps the willingness to support South Korea’s tilnærmingspolitikk, and to sit down at the negotiating table with Kim, has been completely necessary to get muted the crisis actually came.

– Probably one tweet away from the war

I almost can’t think of a single other candidate from any of the parties that would have made it.

No strategy

Nevertheless, he is careful to attribute the Trump credit for having “saved the situation”.

I don’t buy it, Trump says that he has saved the world from a storkrig. I think the situation would have been handled by other presidents. But the crisis the way it looked in 2017 would have still been with us. It is not now.

– Can this be attributed to a carefully planned strategy from Trumps side?

Trump did not come with any strategy. He had, however, a huge klokkertro on their own forhandlingsevner – which goes far beyond all reasonable. In addition, he would like to limit the costs the united STATES has had to attempt to rule the world, believes the Boardroom.

the Researcher believes Trump would never have had a chance to succeed if it were not for the fact that it set a president in South Korea with the determination to take hold of the situation.

This is a result of what the whole road has been a very well-planned and consistent strategy from the Moon Ate-in ever since he took over in 2016.

– Without me, we would have been in the war – Really the luck

the Boardroom is to show that the south Korean president all the way has been clear that he wanted a approach to North Korea.

– Former south Korean presidents failed with the same because they didn’t have us presidents on his side. This time had the Moon Ate-in properly luck with that, there came a president in the Trump, who was willing to talk with Kim.

He believes Trumps performance in relationship to North Korea ensures that there is no longer any realistic way to return to the situation the world faced in 2017.

– the Process of approach between South and North Korea can not be reversed. If the united STATES were suddenly to change his mind, or a new president in the country wish to push North Korea to give up nuclear weapons immediately, then they will not succeed. They will not get South Korea and China on new sanctions.

It is my basis for saying that Trump, regardless of what one may think of him, has been a blessing for Koreahalvøya, ” says Boardroom.

LIGHT: : the Newspaper was denied entrance to the luxurious hotel St. Regis in Singapore, but an employee told me that he was glad that Kim Jong-un went. At the same time, the Newspaper get into at another luxury hotel in the city. Hotel Donald Trump stayed on. Video: Marie Røssland / Dagbladet Show more