A fair distribution of refugees on the countries of the EU – the agreement has failed for years on a common European asylum system. At the Meeting of the EU Interior and justice Ministers in Bucharest on Thursday, the speech that come across the Mediterranean sea and of the NGO-sea rescue vessels to be fished from mostly unseaworthy boats was a distribution solution at least for the Refugees.

“From our point of view, it is not a commandment of humanity, that we discuss case by case, which country is in which order of magnitude is ready, the circumstances under which shipwrecked people,” said interior Secretary Stephan Mayer(CSU) at the start of a meeting of EU interior Ministers in Bucharest. The German concern is a “significant step forward with regard to the creation of a temporary Ad-hoc distribution mechanism,” he said. It was unworthy, it always re-negotiate.

EU Green Keller is skeptical of

as Malta and just a year into office come the Italian government refuse with your far-right interior Minister Matteo Salvini for months, NGO-ships with migrants to leave its ports skating on ice, shake again and again news about people without sufficient food and medical supplies to Europe Public the 47 people who had to almost endure two weeks on the “Sea Watch 3”.

According to daily mirror information, more contacts between the Mediterranean and open-minded EU member States, in order to find a solution, but still without result. Anyway, only a few NGOs in the Mediterranean are on the way, after you flag denied, their vessels seized, or captains, have been indicted.

“Should it come only for the boat people to use a distribution mechanism with some countries that are ready to go ahead, that would be good. We must not allow more people a week wander around,“ says the Green MEP and migration specialist politician Ska Keller. “Ad hoc and temporary mechanisms, we do not hear, however, for the first Time.” It remains to be seen whether it come to this really. “In the long term, the Reform of the Dublin system, which felt a hundred years in the Parliament is the only solution.”

Council of Europe, Italy

complains of the refusal to open the Italian ports to the ships with the Refugees, has criticised the human rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe Dunja Mijatovic Italy. In a letter to the Prime Giuseppe Conte admonished him to observe human rights. They threw Italy in addition to criminalising the activities of private Maritime search and rescue.