One of the three persons, who has been imprisoned in the case of the killing of Nedim Yasar, has been released. Police maintain, however, the charges against the man.

It confirms efterforskningsleder at the Copenhagen Police Brian Belling to Ekstra Bladet.

On the basis of the investigation of the case, we do not believe that the necessity for detention are present, as in co-operation with the prosecution, we have decided to release him, ” says Brian Belling.

the 112 – 31. jan. 2019 – at. 12:34 Defender of the released rocker: I have to shake your head

the Police says further, that they are confident that they will still have put in the right group of people.

Ekstra Bladet has spoken with the now løsladtes defend Lone Damgaard. She wants at present is not to express an opinion with reference to that the court proceedings are conducted behind closed doors.

The discharged is not charged with the actual murder, but is charged with participation in the planning of the killing in one form or another.

Detective Toprocker degraded

the Extra Leaf has in the past could tell that two of the accused had been suspended from were full members of the Satudrah.

‘Pr. 21. January is the two accused, in drabssagen suspended until any court proceedings have taken place. Only then assessed for their possible future in the Satudarah MC Denmark’, it sounded in a message from the grouping to Ekstra Bladet.

Copenhagen Police later confirmed that they had received the same message.

the 112 – 24. jan. 2019 – at. 17:20 Rockerklub put distance to drabssigtede

The 31-year-old Nedim Yasar was shot while he was on the evening of 19. november sat in his car at Hejrevej in Copenhagen’s Northwest district after a reception for his book ‘Roots’.

the Book, which is about his past as a gang leader, co-written with journalist and author Marie Louise Toksvig.

Nedim Yasar had a brutal past as the leader of the Bandidos, støttegrupperingen Los Guerreros, but had put that dark past behind him and worked until his death as a radio announcer on the program ‘Politiradio’ at Radio24syv.