week-long quarrels between France and Italy pointed to a political crisis. Paris back ordered on Thursday its Ambassador from the neighboring country for talks. The recent interventions in Italy are an “unacceptable provocation,” said the French foreign Ministry to justify. “You hurt the respect of the democratic and freely elected governments of each other’s debt.”

the scandal is also likely to have a Meeting with the Italian Deputy heads of government, Luigi Di Maio with the French “yellow West”-activists contributed to, and have been demonstrating for months against the French President Emmanuel Macron.

The relations between France and Italy for weeks on the low point. The populist government of right-wing Lega and Europe is critical Five-star movement in Rome Macron attacks again and again. In addition to the EU budget, there was also dispute over the European refugee policy and the rescue vessel “Aquarius” between Rome and Paris.

Also, the “yellow West”, there was recently a lot of Trouble. Di Maio had repeatedly expressed its support for the protest movement to the expression, which goes, among others, against Macrons policy on the road. On Tuesday, he had to explore hit a few activists in a small French town – also a cooperation in the European elections in may.

Salvini wants to be called with Macron

speaking of “The campaign for the European elections can not justify the lack of respect for each nation or its democracy”, it is now out of the Ministry of foreign Affairs in Paris. The actions of the Italian government would raise questions about their intentions. For several months, France was the subject of repeated allegations, unfounded attacks and offensive Comments.

The Italian Vice-Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini rejected the responsibility for the conflict. “We want to argue with anyone, we have no interest in polemic: We are concrete people and defend the interests of the Italians,” said the Minister of the interior. “We are very willing to meet with the President (Emmanuel) to Macron and the French government, to put us at a table.” From the Ministry of foreign Affairs in Rome, there was initially no response. Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi is in Montevideo, in the case of the contact group on the Venezuela crisis.

In January, was Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister, Di Maio, that France was only in power because of its former colonies an economy and as a Colonial master playing and the migrants ultimately to Europe driving. “Before you explicit us morali, freed Africa from neo-colonialism,” says the star Chef. This infuriated the French so much that they einbestellten the Italian Ambassador to the foreign Ministry.

Some of the French Minister responded to cooling stresses. “We have in France an expression that says that Coated is insignificant,” said Minister for European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau, and added: “My answer is that it is not our intention to run a competition to find out who the Dumbest is.” Macron said that he would not comment on the criticism from Italy.

The foreign Ministry stressed that there had been since the end of the Second world war, no such incidents. “Differences of opinion are one thing, the instrumentalisation of the relationship for electoral purposes.” France call on Italy to take action, “the relationship of friendship and mutual respect to restore, our history and our common destiny worthy of it”.

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Italy contra France, Salvini badmouthing “terrible President” Macron

For Saturday’s now also announced a “yellow West”-Demo in Rome – “against the government and the European Union”. The Five stars lose, in contrast to the coalition partner, the right-wing Lega, in surveys to the approval. Try, therefore, before the European elections, to put more in the foreground. Di Maio had referred to his Meeting with the French “yellow West” as the “first of many”, and wrote on Twitter: “The Wind of change has crossed the Alps.” (dpa)