Actually, the visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Thursday in the Slovak capital of Bratislava under a conciliatory sign. 30 years ago, the roll-over movements in Hungary, Poland and the former Czechoslovakia also made the German reunification possible.

However, the celebratory mood could be affected in the anniversary year 2019. Because Merkel’s talks with the Prime Ministers of the four Visegrad countries are set to take place against the Background of the memory of the turn of the year in 1989. But given the current problems in the EU, the Chancellor is likely to be obtained very quickly from the politics of the day, especially on the issue of Migration and in relation to the rule-of-law issues in the Visegrad countries.

refugee distribution remains unresolved

In the migration policy, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban continues to not recognize. The still unresolved question of whether and how refugees are distributed in the EU, is on the Agenda of the current Romanian presidency of the EU. However, the Romanian government has already declared that to be expected in view of the opposition of many Eastern European States in the question, soon, is hardly progress.

How much Orban and Merkel in the refugee policy, on the cross, it was clear last summer at a Meeting of the two in the Chancellery. “We must not forget that it’s about people,” said the Chancellor at the time, with a view to the refugees. And last October, Merkel went at a summit of the conservative European people’s party (EPP) hard with the foreclosure policy of the Hungarian government heads to court. But Orban is not distracted. Most recently, he locked himself, however, that in the case of a closer cooperation between the EU and the States of the Arab League, the controversial UN-migration Pact to language.

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for Free order

European politicians Krichbaum is reminiscent of the rule of law

If Merkel this Thursday Orban, the Polish head of government Mateusz Morawiecki, whose Slovak counterpart Peter Pellegrini and the Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš in Bratislava meets for lunch, are the common economic relations and foreign and European policy issues at the center.

According to the words of Gunther Krichbaum, the Chairman of the European Affairs Committee of the Bundestag, to the visit of the Chancellor “first of all, the historical earnings of the population in the Visegrad countries-worthy”. Without the courage of Central and Eastern Europeans of the Iron curtain and the Berlin wall would not have fallen”,” said Krichbaum to the daily mirror. The CDU-politician recalled that there had been in Eastern and Western Europe have different motives for membership in the EU. In Western Europe, the peace had stood, in Eastern Europe, however, the idea of Freedom in the foreground. “The EU means not only freedom, but also the rule of law,” said Krichbaum.

Green Brantner: this is Not the raised index finger

The Greens-Europe expert Franziska Brantner would, however, be a mistake if Merkel show at the Meeting in Bratislava, the finger would occur. Rather, it would be useful at the meeting in Bratislava “to the common values tie, then fought in the pivotal year of 1989,” she said to the daily mirror. However, you can not let in the five-Meet in front of the right government deficits in a number of Visegrad countries “completely foreign”.

the FDP foreign expert Alexander Graf Lambsdorff said that Merkel had to address the situation of the rule of law. However, it is important to differentiate between the Visegrad States. “The situation in Poland and Hungary is significantly more serious than in the Czech Republic and Slovakia,” he said.

EU-proceedings against Warsaw and Budapest

In the case of Hungary, has initiated the European Parliament last September, a procedure for violations of the rule of law. The Parliament had then passed to a method, in accordance with article 7 of the EU Treaty against Budapest in the ways and to the media, the judiciary, and science, referred to.

Controversial Commission and the Hungarian government is also between the EU-a law to Refugee workers, which represents the “facilitation of illegal Migration”. The “Stop-Soros-package”, adopted last June by the Hungarian Parliament with a large majority, should not impede governmental organisations (NGOs) work. The liberal U.S. billionaire George Soros was born in Budapest, supported by worldwide relief organizations.

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dispute on asylum and deportation proceedings, Brussels sued Hungary for asylum-policy

in December 2017, the EU had initiated-Commission article 7 procedure against Poland. The focus is on the controversial judicial reform. The article 7 procedure could in extreme cases lead to a withdrawal of the voting rights of Poland and Hungary in the EU. However, this is unlikely, since this is a unanimous decision is necessary.