Many States have already acted: Huawei-parts may not be used in 5G network development. Also being discussed in Germany, because the Chinese company is highly controversial.

The Huawei group, is the technology flagship of China. The company is, according to Samsung and ahead of Apple the second largest Smartphone manufacturer in the world and also the largest producer of network-technology components.

Here are many of the computer experts, but also Western intelligence agencies are suspicious: they warn of possible espionage or Sabotage by Huawei. The company could install secret Software or Hardware backdoors in the network technology, so the accusation.

Complete nonsense, both the company itself as well as the Chinese government say. Geng Shuang, spokesman for the state and party leadership, says: “The United States already use for some time, their influence, to some Chinese companies to suppress and denigrate. These are highly political and manipulative intentions.”

No evidence for the accusations

in fact, there is no evidence for the spying allegations. Huawei also stresses again and again, to be as a private company, independent of the Beijing government and party leadership.