It was the Newspaper that first publicized the case, where children and adults of the Sunday school in Ålgård baptist church last weekend painted himself in the face for showing how the people there in the Congo. The pictures of the employees dressed like kongolesere, with the face painted black ended up on social media, and according to Gjesdalbuen were several of the kids painted black in the face.

the Practice of portraying a mørkhudet person by the makeup itself black in the face is called “blackface” in teaterverdenen, but is rarely used, because it is by many perceived as racist.

CONFIDENCE: Acting Sector manager Olaug Bollestad. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix Show more

– To use svartmaling in the face witnesses about the poor judgment, that one does not know the criticism of “blackface”. It is good that they want to tell the kids about the Congo, but this is not the way to do it. I think this is at best thoughtlessly, ” says deputy chairman Mari Linløkken in the Antiracist Centre, to Dagbladet.

Engaged in the Congo

Ålgård baptist church is the congregation of the in and the acting Sector director Olaug Bollestad.

– It is sad that some perceive the event at the Ålgård as hurtful, and this feedback must be taken seriously. My experience is that the Ålgård baptist church has a large commitment to the Congo, and it in many years. Beyond this I have no comment, write Bollestad in an sms to Stavanger Aftenblad.

baptist church receive criticism: – In the best case, it is thoughtlessly

Menighetsrådsleder Klaus is Low are surprised and have never heard of blackface.

– If this is important to grasp for the Antiracist Center, so I think that there can be a lot of racism around, ” he says to Aftenbladet.

People dress up

He says they had not intended to make fun of someone. According to Low, the church has had similar events before, and now he is unsure on whether they should drop the tradition of painting themselves black in the face.

– In the plays, people dress differently. We had with us a family from the Congo, and they thought this was okay, ” he says. the