The leading SPD wants to adjust with the multibillion-dollar program of the welfare state, the minimum wage to twelve euros to increase, and services for children easier. “With this concept, we open up a series of proposals for reform to the welfare state for a new time”, – stated in the 17-page template for the closed meeting of the SPD Executive Board this coming Sunday and Monday, which is present the German press Agency in Berlin. It also responds to the changes in the world of work.

So a right to Work from home is to be established by law. “We are the core of the right to mobile Work and home office by law, so that more workers benefit from the digital advantages”, – stated in the concept. On this point, the Funke media group reported.

40% could theoretically be from home

“but We will also protect Employees against excessive use and the requirement of a permanent accessibility or presence of the employer.” 40 percent of employees in Germany could theoretically work from home. Only twelve per cent of the workforce would have, but their desire for flexible work.

In the SPD-concept is also planned to increase the minimum wage, currently 9,19 euros to twelve euros. In addition, the social Democrats substantiate their claims to a child’s basic security – the party wants to keep kids in front of a stigma, if the parents are on Hartz IV.

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“order, we conduct paid so far individually, individually to the applicant and to each other together billable services (such as child benefit, child allowance, children’s allowance, education and participation package or the services of the SGB II) to a child’s basic security and simplify the System this way”, – stated in the concept. “We want to coordinate the interfaces with the housing allowance and maintenance advance services better.” Of children, in particular, benefited from single parents. What will the proposals cost, remains unclear. But it should be a non-bureaucratic and easy-to-understand performance, which can also be digitally requested.

The SPD is languishing at 15 per cent in the polls

The SPD is in crisis and is looking for a way to get lost trust back. Party leader Andrea Nahles is under a lot of pressure, a reversal of the trend: The SPD is languishing at 15 per cent in the polls – in the party, the criticism especially on Nahles and Vice Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, is growing. Since the Union many of the proposals in the Grand coalition is not feasible, it can be used in the own Profile, as an offer of a “renewed” SPD in future election campaigns.

had Previously outlined Nahles already has the basic features of a departure from some elements of the Hartz-IV reforms of Gerhard schröder: the Older unemployed will be paid, for example, up to 33 months, which has a much higher unemployment benefit I, instead of falling quickly to Hartz IV level. In the case of younger unemployed people, some sanctions will be lifted, particularly power cuts, can lead to the loss of the apartment. The Union is opposed to a Reform.

The Juso-Chairman Kevin Kühnert praised the SPD’s proposals for a Reform of the welfare state. “These are quantum leaps in our social state, the only aim that people can get back to work, all of which are long out of it,” said the SPD’s young politicians on Thursday in the ARD”morning magazine”.

the left party rejects the social plans of the SPD

Addressed to the financing of these services, pointed Kühnert to the fact that the SPD does not want to relieve, in contrast to the Union, the top earners to the solidarity surcharge. In addition, the social funds edge to be full. And: “We talk in large numbers in these social services on people who do not have much income. This is so all the money flows immediately back into the cycle.” It’ll immediately end up in the coffers of the Super and electric markets. “The charged in many Places.”

The left party reacted hostile to the SPD’s plans. It was “outrageous” that Nahles to the low-Hartz-IV-sets, as well as sanctions against Hartz IV recipients hold on to, said party leader Katja Kipping in the “daily mirror”. “It shows that the SPD Chairman really has the courage to say “goodbye” to the Agenda 2010.”

Also with the topic of basic pension, the party points

not trying to A survey by the opinion research Institute Civey, according to three-quarters (73.3 percent) of the SPD believe pendant the fact that party leader Nahles can improve the results of the election of the SPD. In the total population, 87.2 percent were even of the opinion that Nahles, the party could give no vote-Plus, on Wednesday evening published a representative survey on behalf of the portal “”.

More about

SPD What wants to change Andrea Nahles on Hartz IV

Marie Rövekamp

Also with the issue of the basic pension, the SPD is trying to score: The current plans of the Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, a million life-to get-income earners after a long work automatically higher pensions. Small pensions are to be increased by up to 447 euros a month. The Union criticised that the actual requirement should not be checked, unlike in the coalition Treaty of CDU, CSU and SPD agreed. Healing dismissed the criticism. “I thus, the objectives of the basic pension, which are enshrined in the coalition agreement: recognition of lifetime achievement and the avoidance of poverty in old age,” said the SPD politician of the “Rheinische Post”. (dpa)