On a muggy hot Sunday afternoon in July, the call of the annoyed citizen. He’s upset about the smoke from the Neighbor’s yard, where a Clique is drinking and grilled. The President of the commune had come, and to the Right to see.

The Milizjob of the municipal Council is similar to today is hardly that of the village of king’s, he is hard and time-consuming. The resulting Problem is known, often complains and unresolved: becoming less and less a part of their work and leisure the common good “victims are not ready”.

“The Problem is always threatening forms,” says Andreas Müller, project Manager on behalf of the Swiss Union of municipalities (SGV). Because the bottom-up country is threatened in its foundations, not work any more, the municipalities. In danger, the political freedom, the freedom to participate in shaping public Affairs was in order.

Dwindling autonomy

complained Finished, says, against this Background, the SGV with Director Christoph Niederberger and President Hannes Germann at the top, the Council of States and former village President. You have determined the current year by the Association of decision to the “year of the militia of the work”. With guides, online tools and new ideas to the militia system is to be a new lease of life. Müller, the former Federal Council Advisor under Couchepin and Schneider-Ammann, acts as the Initiator.

For Müller has the lack of interest in political jobs with a tangible Background: The municipalities have been curtailed in recent years, more and more of their autonomy. Therefore, he wrote: “The state idea belonging to the claim, leaving the policy-making as far as possible to the citizens, that the cantons and, above all, the municipalities’ own permanent room for manoeuvre remains.”

this state of political findings, the Association has taken a high goal: to strengthen the militia system so that it lives long. Based on a scientific study of the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, the study responsible Curdin Derungs and Dario wellinger an online tool that is available today. Community leaders and the lonely President of Ortsparteien – you are poking in there on recipes, the success of the marriage. Older and Younger should be for a political commitment obtained.

“Too little time”

The HTW Chur provides according to representative surveys, the finding that about one in five and one in every five between the ages of 25 and 35 to the Takeover, militia, regular responsibility; but only about seven percent of all queries ever if you want to participate in a public authority or a municipal Council. “It’s potential lies fallow,” says Müller. Two measures of its needed: the young better response and the municipal offices more attractive. Reasons to take a Milizamt, according to HTW-study sign-in, “too little time because of Hobbies and too little time due to work”, followed by “little bit of Knowledge about politics” as well as “and candidacy process unknown”.

reasons such As these and other Obstacles overcome, a competition of ideas. It is proposed to grant authorities and members of Parliament, higher flat-rate deductions for taxes. Other: Political militia offices are to be credited to the compulsory military service. “The militia principle into the 21st century. Century catapult” that calls for another source of ideas. He says the consistent use of digital signatures. The financial officer does not have to run constantly in the parish office, documents to sign. Council meetings may also be held by video circuits. And to make it easier for employers to allow employees a militia function, to compensate, a new income replacement scheme to the employer, such as in the military.


What are the measures you find promising?

“militia-Influencer”: a Young militia politicians to convince the other Boy of a political commitment at the municipal level.
resident regardless: of The municipal Council mandate, should be able to be decoupled from the residence.
Live-Chat-Governance: Who can’t make it on time to the municipal Assembly, taking part via video conference mobile from abroad.
EO-compensation: The Militia politicians are to be compensated on the acquisition of a replacement.
digitizing: meetings are done virtually, i.e., independent of location, via cell phone, and Laptop.

“militia-Influencer”: a Young militia politicians to convince the other Boy of a political commitment at the municipal level.


resident regardless: of The municipal Council mandate, should be able to be decoupled from the residence.


Live-Chat-Governance: Who can’t make it on time to the municipal Assembly, taking part via video conference mobile from abroad.


EO-compensation: The Militia politicians are to be compensated on the acquisition of a replacement.


digitisation: meetings are done virtually, i.e., independent of location, via cell phone, and Laptop.


convince on 17 votes

“militia-Influencer”: a Young militia politicians want more Young from a political commitment at the municipal level.


resident regardless: of The municipal Council mandate, should be able to be decoupled from the residence.


Live-Chat-Governance: Who can’t make it on time to the municipal Assembly, taking part via video conference mobile from abroad.


EO-compensation: The Militia politicians are to be compensated on the acquisition of a replacement.


digitisation: meetings are done virtually, i.e., independent of location, via cell phone, and Laptop.


17 votes


Created: 07.02.2019, 06:04 PM