the Doctors at St. Olavs hospital in Trondheim, ask the Norwegian women to rebel so that everyone can get access to fosterdiagnostikk in week 11-14 of pregnancy.

– All of which have medical cause or know the turmoil to get an early ultrasound today. Early ultrasound for all is something quite different. It is not documented any medical gain. I’m also afraid it will lead to unrest and worry among the pregnant women in that they get a message that something is wrong, without the votes, ” says KrFs Geir Jørgen Retire, the fresh leader of the health and omsorgskomiteen in Parliament.

Asks the women to rebel,

today, The situation is such that it is only women over 38 years of age, or who have special indications, as has the offer of fosterdiagnostikk in week 11-14. Then the woman offered a screening of the fetus, including genetic test will and risk analyses for a variety of conditions. 

But as the Newspaper wrote Monday, there is a private detour to this offer. Go the woman to the private ultrasound early in the pregnancy, the doctor may refer on to the public. This gives the woman full access to fosterdiagnostikk. The doctors at St. Olavs believe that this will have health benefits for the woman and the fetus, and prevent seinaborter.

Geir Jørgen Retire (KrF). Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix Show more

– I relate myself to the knowledge that we are sitting on today. I am very sure that we should use biotechnology to find methods that can help us to heal. Early ultrasound has not today a health benefits for the fetus or mother, turn to Retire fast.

to Retire are worried about the consequences of such an offer is given to all.

– We are skeptical that one introduces a screening that will apply to all women. There is always an element where by sorting out embryos with other properties, but which, nevertheless, can live full lives. At the same time, I have understanding for the turmoil they can know on, and then one has by the law of the day the opportunity to get an early ultrasound, say KrFs fresh head of health and omsorgskomiteen.

Respond to ordbruken Ap-leder Jonas Gahr Støre. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Scanpix Show more

the Labour party has programfestet access to early ultrasound and NIPT, just the Sector warns will lead to the sorting. Word sorting reacts, however, Ap-leder Jonas Gahr Støre strongly.

I take strong distance from the term. Sorting we operate with within the waste and other places in the community. I don’t see the sorting when I visit fostermedisinerne at NTNU or the national hospital. They are keen to help the woman and the fetus and prevent very demanding seinaborter. It should we have respect for, ” says Støre to the Newspaper.

Both Støre and Retire believe enhances the class distinctions that have occurred is problematic. Resourceful and women in the cities take early ultrasound private or expensive tests abroad, which provides them access to the public offer. Follow one of the ordinary scheme, is one of the ultrasound for the first time in week 18.

working Birgitte Heiberg Kahrs told the Newspaper Monday: “Norwegian women are half of the pregnancy without knowing about the heart beats or if there is life.” Ap:

– confidence

the Ap and KrF parts concern, but the KrFs to Retire believe that as long as there are no medical reasons for an early ultrasound, should not the public health system to prioritize over other tasks. – It is an ideal in our society about equality and that technology and health care should be accessible to all. What happens in practice today, is that the lack of early ultrasound in the public health system leads to 70 to 80 per cent in the cities buy it in the private sector, in addition to that many buys NIPT abroad. It gives them a private ran into the public, if they find indications, then the obligations of the public to help them, ” says Støre.

– the Progress says this will not have any health benefits and that they are open to look at this if you get a positive effects?

I have respect for KrFs opinions in this area, and I doubts not that they argue from the ethical considerations. But we can avoid traumatizing seinaborter by introducing early ultrasound, does not appear to be in their reviews. I also believe that we should look at the health benefits when we are considering new methods in health care, but this is also about creating a sense of security, avoid unnecessary charges and help someone to life.

– Retire says that women who are experiencing the “turmoil” can get the early ultrasound. Is there way to get health care? – This is a track we are not going into. It’s not like he is going to have to be upset to have the right to health care in Norway. It think I’m unworthy, to respond Støre.

To examine fostering in the Uk Sector opens for the biotek-changes

Many women senaborterer each and every year due to conditions that could have been detected earlier.

– There is a significantly greater burden for these women and a number that in itself is an argument to change this. I want to ask: What values should these women attend to perform a seinabort? What value do we put on that knowledge being made available? ask Støre.

In the new regjeringsplattformen has This been a veto for changes in the bioteknologiloven. But you have any questions do not reject that it still can get changes.

It is a misconception that Progress is going to halt all development within this area. We are not against development, but want to find new answers – and that they might heal. If it comes a suggestion, can Better do some reflections. The christian democratic party has come to ask whether development is best for the whole community, and let the “ethics and control” technique.

– Bioteknologien has also been a blessing, ” says Geir Jørgen will Retire from the Sector.