“London wants to introduce tiggeriförbud – motivated with toalettbekymmer”
“Staffanstorp follow Vellinges model with tiggeriförbud”
“Last year, Vellinge, sweden the right to introduce local tiggeriförbud – and now to the municipality of staffanstorp follow after.”
“One of the reasons given was the inconvenience of frequent visits to the toilet.”
“People have said that they are constantly going into varuhustoaletterna,” says Eric Tabich (M), first deputy chairman of the municipal council to the new york times.”
“the Supreme administrative court gave at the end of last year Vellinge municipality the right to impose the prohibition of begging in certain limited places in the municipality.”
“we Now want to further from municipality to follow Vellinges model with local bans.”
“During the Wednesday night clubbed tiggeriförbud in Staffanstorps local government through. In the form of voting, the result was eight votes in favour (M, SD, and (C) against three no-votes (S), reports the new york times.”
“– Would we see a problem at other places so we are going to introduce a ban there as well, ” says Eric Tabich (M), first deputy chairman of the municipal executive board, to the newspaper.”
“”Running” on the varuhustoaletter a reason”
“He also says that there is ”a certain system problems” linked to begging in London.”
“– There is a concern in the sense that they have to do their needs and so on when they are sitting there, ” says Tabich.”
” People have said that they are constantly going into varuhustoaletterna.”
“On The question if it is to be regarded as a problem that someone goes on a varuhustoalett answer Tabich:”
” No, it is not a problem. But it is not supposed to be running all the time.”
“”Maybe around five,” beggar in the municipality”
“Tabich says the magazine that he did not have any idea how many beggars there are in London and he says that he himself has ”not seen any the last few weeks”, but estimates that it is about ”maybe around five people”.”
“To prohibit the begging trade for him on principles.”
“– there are no requirements on performance. It becomes, instead, the passivity and vulnerability. This is a problem that should be handled by the countries the roma coming from Romania and Bulgaria.”
“the Question of tiggeriförbudet will be determined definitively in the city council on march 6.”