“Without Björklund, the school had not been of high priority,”

“Lena Mellin about the legacy, after Björklund: the School Idelologin the Alliance’s dead?”

“Some people make a difference. One of them is Jan Björklund. Without him, the school had not been in the spotlight, year in, year out.”

“But we will also remember him as a committed ideologue. They are virtually endangered.”

“the News was not unexpected. But it may come a little quicker than most thought. The ink on the ”januariavtalet”, the political agreement between his own party, the Centre party and the government on a range of major policy issues, have hardly had time to dry.”

“But now he pulls. After almost twelve years as party leader, and eight years of education and the minister for education.”

“That the Liberals would face the voters with Jan Björklund at the forefront in the elections of 2022 falls on its own absurdity. Many grew tired of him long ago. Get, not even he himself, wanted that it would become so.”

“Jan Björklund will be remembered for his dedication, so extensive that it almost must be termed as a passion, for the Swedish school.”

“You can think what you want about the changes that have been made on the school field during the last few years. But one can’t ignore the fact that the political interest of the school and maintained that its task is to convey the knowledge would have been much cooler without Björklund.”

“His crusade against flumskolan started already in the Stockholm city hall, where he was school , and oppositionsborgarråd for eight years . Then he took the stride into the government and given responsibility for – skolfrågorna so clear.”

“what Jan björklund’s requirements in order, the cap of in the classroom and the prohibition of mobile phones during instructional time as reactionary kadaverdisciplin.+, ”major Björklund”.”

“His own justifications has been the opposite. Without order and requirements from the teachers, they risk have the worst conditions to leave the school in about the same condition as they came to be there.”

“If teaching is to be guided by the parents’ social situation is achieved, no class trips. So, no equal opportunity. With the vision to be preserved, the social heritage.”

“the School will challenge those who do not receive challenges at home. The school should have high expectations of them that don’t have any expectations on themselves.”, said Björklund in his speech in Almedalen 2010.”

“Jan Björklund is also a strong ideologue, and there are not too many of in politics. Many of his speeches have been about ” values, which he believes laid the foundation for today’s democracies with free and equal elections, an independent rättsstag and a humanistic view of humankind. Among other things.”

“Many are likely to be behind it is important, not to say fundamental, questions. But no one has with such conviction that Björklund underlined that it is the values which man must fight for. Always.”

“In this context usually Jan björklund’s mother, Ragna show up. At the age of 23, she fled from the nazi-occupied Norway to Sweden with his 4-year-old little sister in the backpack.”

“The ideological conviction , and his adopted sons, contributed to the Alliance cracked. Already in the fall of 2016 announced Björklund that if the Alliance should cooperate with the Socialists to keep The sweden democrats away from any influence.”

“There, to keep the SD away, ultimately became more important for Edwards than to the M-leader Ulf Kristersson would become prime minister. The alliance was broken in two parts but it should be not only Jan Björklund blamed for. There are more responsible for it.”

“And what had the sons to do with it? So here said Jan Björklund in his speech during the political summit in Järva 2017:”

” My sons are adopted from the other side of the globe. And they should know one thing: I will never participate to The sweden democrats get political power in our country”.”

“It is a promise that it’s not going to back away from.”

“Myself, I will remember Jan Björklund also for his ability to paint with broad strokes. The advantage of it is clarity. The downside is that it will be wrong if you are not careful with the details. In a landsmötestal wanted Björklund shelf the new swedes, and then took the Balkanfödde Zlatan as an example. But he was born in Västra Skrävlinge parish in Skåne.”

“Björklund change also, quite often, recognizing that he has been wrong. It applies, among other things Decemberöverenskommelsen, DIE. It was first the top then the bottom, A disarming method? Yes, actually. Most people want to hide the fact that they do not have right all the time. It does not seem to Jan Björklund have no problem with.”

“”Januariavtalet” is björklund’s inheritance to his party colleagues. It helped to break the borgerlighetens most successful project, the Alliance, and to make the Liberals to Stefan Leaves s (s) mainstay. “

“But also to the great success of the Liberals’ own policies, such as bans on religious schools and the elimination of the war for those with the highest incomes.”

“One-third of the delegates were opposed to it when the Liberals partiråd voted on the agreement in January. But ”januariavtalet” it is it is what he leaves behind, in addition to their burning commitment to the school and their ideological beliefs.”

“What should he do now? Jan Björklund age of 57 years in april and have several years of professional life ahead of them. But the first time will go to the elections to the EUROPEAN parliament in may, which He thinks is super important, and to get more details in the ”januariavtalet” with the Centre party and the government on the spot.”

“But then? It seems not even he himself know. It sounds quite nice.”

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