“Give us the whole truth about skallmätningarna”

“The sami, the trauma is located on the kulturministerns desktop”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“Armed with camera and measuring tools went to Herman Lundborg in Sweden in the early 1900s, measured sami skulls and tvångsfotograferade them naked. Everything was recorded: the skull and the width and the height, the facial diameter of the eyes and placement. The color of the hair, eyebrows and eyes was noted. If the person was talented, sinnesslö or even outright insane was established on the site.”

“In rasbiologens world determined a person’s value of her physique and genetic conditions. The investigations of the sami was an attempt to confirm a racist world view, with tables, dimensions, and figures.”

“In the 20th century took the Swedish politicians the initiative to the enlarged weimar republic. A motion signed by bondeförbundare, right-wingers and social democrats – including Hjalmar Branting – was followed by a virtually unanimous debate and the opening of the institute for racial biology institute in Uppsala, sweden. Director of the institute was Herman Lundborg.”

“Herman Lundborg soon became popular abroad. Especially the German colleagues were inspired by his rasforskning. In the extension was used in the Swedish theories to justify the nazi rasideologi, forced sterilization and genocide.”

“still Suffer from racism”

“today is the sami national day. Many will remember the abuse against Sweden’s indigenous people, which continued, long after Herman Lundborgs death in 1943. Sami children were taken away from their families to be placed in special schools, where they were forbidden to speak their own language and where the teaching deliberately kept a low level in order to counteract ”

“It is high time to make up with the Swedish assaults against the sami people. To this day suffer the sami of widespread racism. Oförståelsen for sami culture and the ignorance of their history is great. The new government has the chance to take hold of the matter once and for all.”

“Add a truth commission and start collecting testimonials. We lack a comprehensive survey of discrimination against sami in the whole of the 1900s. People need to be listened to properly – in particular, the sami themselves, but also those who participated in the repression.”

“the Result must not be an academic text that ends up in a drawer and forgotten. Sanningskommissionens work must lead to change. There is a great need for increased knowledge about how sami treated in Sweden.”

“Here is the new minister of culture, Amanda Lind (MP) their chance to contribute to the story. To pull in time the work of a truth commission can be difficult, because the issue is still sensitive.”

“But the assaults on the sami concerns the whole of Sweden. It is high time that we make up our own dirty history.”