“The 20-year-old sentenced for fire in the conference center”

“A man in his 20s is sentenced by Varberg district court to probation and 75 hours of community service for rough allmänfarlig negligence. He was convicted of having caused a fire in a residential study centre on the onsala peninsula in december 2017, reports the P4 Halland.”

“the Fire broke out in the days before new year’s 2017, and the main building of a conference centre was completely destroyed. The values for the 20 million estimated to have gone up in smoke.”

“the Fire started as a result of a rocket catches fire the building. According to the man’s lawyer he admitted that he fired a rocket at the site, but argued that it was unreasonable that it was the one that caused the fire.”

“In the judgment also included other crimes. Range had at the time no guests and no human being was injured.”