Already in the december message Björklund chairman of the nomination committee that he will not run for party leader again. He retains the post until a new leader is selected on the Liberal landsmöte in the fall.

“I’m not going to put me in or direct the election of a successor,” says Jan Björklund.

He says that it is now up to the committee to present a plan for how a successor will be appointed.

– A leader should not sit longer than twelve years. It had suggested a lack of judgement for me to run again, ” says Jan Björklund.

Jan Björklund during pressträffen. Photo: Paul Hansen

high-ranking liberals out and said that the party should release a government consisting of the moderate party and the Christian democrats. Something that led to an open battle within the party, as to Jan Björklund ran the line to instead support a blocköverskridande cooperation with the government.

I Had lost that which the vote on the partirådet had I announced my resignation then, but now I won pretty big, ” says Jan Björklund on the internal criticism.

He stresses that januariavtalet is fixed and says that it has a strong support within the party. On the question of his successor should be a person who stands behind the agreement, says Björklund to the decisions of the partirådet and the congress apply.

mentioned as a potential successor to Björklund, EU-commissioner Cecilia Malmström, but her press officer Joakim Larsson says that it is not up to date.

“She’s got the issue, certainly hundreds of times, she is not interested in to succeed him as party leader,” says Joakim Larsson.

Torkild Strandberg, board chairman of Landskrona, sweden, is one of the Liberals ‘ most successful leaders. He sees it not as unexpected to Björklund less.

“He has been the leader in twelve years and it has been in the air that it was time,” he says.

Photo: Paul Hansen

that it is ”unfortunate” that a successor should not be selected until the congress in the fall.

– So it is well in all matters of leadership, by stepping down, he leaves a vacuum, and the vacuum will not be filled until the autumn. I think that the time is ample.

Torkild Strandberg says he has no interest to succeed Björklund. Instead, he hopes in the ms Nyamko Sabuni.

” I am a very happy and contented man, and would not risk it by giving me something. No, it is not my thing.

have respect for björklund’s decision to quit as party leader.

– It is always good for a party with a fresh start and new management. Now, it requires a strong, clear bourgeois leadership that does not dodge the difficult questions.

Pehrson states that he has no ideal candidate and does not want to speculate on a successor.

” It’s flattering to be mentioned in this context, but I have not thought about if I am available. It is up to the committee to do its job now.

believe that He has been building up the party with a clear ideological compass.

“It shows, not least, the latest agreement between the four parties,” she says.

On the question of whether it is in the news for her candidacy gives Cecilia Wikström not a clear answer.

– I am running right now to get renewed confidence for a mandate in the european Parliament, it is what I am focused on.

” That is my answer.

Read more: They can take over after Björklund ”

Link to the Scribble-flow

Read more: L-tops in Sigtuna requires björklund’s resignation

Read more: Autumn, when Jan Björklund can embed for a historical sidbyte in politics

Jan Björklund (L): ”if you Want to stay here you should learn English”