“Great anxiety – sleeping pills is sold out”

“Imovane, against temporary insomnia, is out of multiple pharmacies.”

“It is something that can do even more swedes sleepless – of concern.”

“– Many are really desperate, ” says a person working in health care.”

“Several readers have contacted the newspaper Aftonbladet and testified about the problem with to get hold of the drug Imovane.”

“A woman says that she feels stressed over the fact that it is the end of the year.”

“– It feels totally sick. I was both shocked and pissed when I could not download.”

“A man says he instead of Imovane had a similar preparations is printed, which he reacted poorly.”

” I have been forced to be at home in several days from work that I don’t feel well.”

“Around one million swedes use today different types of sleeping pills. “

“– Both 5-milligrams – and 7.5-milligramsförpackningarna the end of the 30-pack, ” says gruppchefen Johan Andersson at the Swedish medical products agency.”

“What made that Imovane is partially sold out do not know the the Fda, but the next delivery is expected in end of march.”

“Many are concerned that they should be forced to start trading on the black market or take to drugs and alcohol to get to sleep. How do you see it?”

” Our advice is to get in touch with their healthcare providers. There are other options for just this problem, ” says Johan Andersson.”