Consumers Albert Heijn switches to a higher gear in the price war between the supermarkets. The Dutch chain, which the Belgians the ‘1+1’promotion came to know, come up with a novelty: ‘1+2 free’. “The best action ever seen in Flanders”, is read in the folder.

Albert Heijn in Belgium known as prijsbreker. The Dutch zusterketen of Delhaize did the Belgians get acquainted with the ‘1+1’promotion. First time at Albert Heijn itself, meanwhile, is also already at Delhaize. And that promotion has been is already bearing fruit. The latest quarterly figures of Delhaize show that the chain is growing again. In recent months the price war between the supermarkets also somewhat died down. But that relative calm is abruptly interrupted by Albert Heijn.

Last week brought the Dutch chain is all the rage of the General Boerensyndicaat on the neck by the milk price by 7 cents lower to 55 cents per litre. “A marketing stunt on the hood of the farmers”, growled Hendrik Vandamme, chairman of the General Boerensyndicaat when. Vandamme saw only one reason for the marketing stunt, namely market share on the rise in Flanders. Because at the end of this year to open the big Dutch rival Jumbo its first stores in Belgium. And so it is time to quickly market positions to take, and the advent of the Jumbo to a non-event.

Tiniest bijsteken

, and Therefore Albert Heijn is now even a step further. In his latest brochure grabs the chain from a whole series of offers of ‘1+2 free’. Who, for example, one pack Soubry-spaghetti buy, get two free on top. The same offer also applies to buns, peppers, a few wines and for well-known branded products as McCain-diepvriesfrieten or Nivea-shower cream. “This is du jamais vu, that we have not witnessed in our country”, says retailexpert Gino Van Ossel (Vlerick Management School). “The only thing that is even more spectacular, is that you get the products for free.”

According to Van Ossel will this stunt is not without consequences remain. “This action predicts that there is a new prijsoorlog is coming. A lot depends on the type of product in the offer is, sometimes it goes to a different volume, for example, a very large volume. Sometimes it feels a competitor is only forced to compete if there is a store of Albert Heijn in the immediate vicinity of the supermarket.”

Colruyt reacts

But a chain as Colruyt can this price war is not to just let them pass. The Halse distribution group swears by its ‘low prices’strategy and the products that Albert Heijn bradeert also in price decrease. But that will only happen in the Colruyt stores that are in the vicinity of an Albert Heijn is located.

That zusterketen Delhaize also a victim of these promotions, believes Van Ossel less. “Albert Heijn has positioned itself as a prijsbreker, Delhaize focuses more to the client who value quality over price. Delhaize has recently also good figures to show. Colruyt and the classic discounters Lidl and Aldi are also doing pretty well. But it is unclear what this means, for example, Carrefour. Do you participate in an auction of this stunt, it will cost you a lot of money. You do not, you risk that the customer elsewhere for his purchases. This stunt will have the revenue or the margin in the supermarket retail business is under pressure.”

Nonetheless, the question arises: how can Albert Heijn these promotions run without selling at a loss? “Sell it at a loss should not in our country”, says Van Ossel. “But there are ways to to wriggle out of it. So the manufacturer can use a gesture to do through the additional discounts and therefore, the promotion fund, or Albert Heijn of Belgium can purchase to himself, at Albert Heijn in the Netherlands, this bypass also that law.”