“The cctv cameras will not solve the problems”
“Replica from the förhandlingsansvariga at the Municipal to Irené Svenonius (M) on the level of violence in hospitals”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“LINE IN an op-ed piece write region chairman in the Region of Stockholm, Irene Svenonius (M) that she wants to see more surveillance cameras in the Stockholm hospital. The reason should be the amount of threats and violence by the employees in the Stockholm Region say they are subjected to.”
“It is good if you take hold of the issues relating to threats and violence in the workplace. But we are skeptical as to Svenonius description of the world and whether the increased camera surveillance in the workplace is the right way to go to solve these problems.”
“You can easily get the impression of the article that the problems with threats and violence within the Stockholm Region depends exclusively on the criminal gangs. And even if you should not ignore it, it is our view that a large part of the confrontations in the hospitals is due to the ordinary and otherwise law-abiding citizens from becoming aggressive due to for example long waiting times. “
“It is not so that all the cases of threats and violence that Svenonius refers to has taken place at the region’s emergency departments. Perspective the problem that we are not in the first instance to our emergency room has turned into the wild west, but the lack of staff and resources to effectively solve akutmottagningarnas primary function of the emergency services.”
“the surveillance Cameras will not solve these problems. They do not prevent someone from threatening or committing violent acts. They are a reactive solution to a problem that needs preventive measures. In addition, one must ask what a camera-surveilled workplace, where the employer also saves material for the environment?”
“We must come to grips with the problems of intimidation and violence at our hospitals. We can never accept that our members are exposed to danger on the job. But the solution is not that we are camera monitored. We need more colleagues so that we can do the job that the locals expect of us. We need the support of the stewards when threatening situations arise. We need access to skills development so that we have the tools to handle situations that can become threatening.”
“Who is responsible for personnel and human resources in the Region of Stockholm is Irené Svenonius welcome to contact us so we can certainly arrive at solutions that improve the work environment and make our workplaces safer.”
“Catharina HäggbomnCarina Lenngren, förhandlingsansvariga Municipal at the Karolinska university hospital.”
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“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here – ”