At this point, should most feel to pensionspyramiden. We start from it to explain what you should consider.

the pyramid’s base – the state pension scheme

In the bottom, the pyramid’s base, is the state pension system to which all working people. It, in turn, consists of two parts; when income-based pension and premium pension.

Five tips for when income-based pension

Inkomstpensionens size is a result of how much you work in a professional career. Here are the tips:

1. Work full-time as much as you can.

2. Undeclared work is not worthwhile – on the contrary. It is only the white income, which can be the basis of when income-based pension.

3. The longer you postpone retirement, the more pension you will receive each month.

4. If you have had low earnings or none at all – you are entitled to a guarantee pension. Go into the relevant authority.see and check if you have retirement income below the upper limit for guarantee pension. Note that there are different levels if you are single or live with your partner.

5. A contribution that many retirees forget is the special housing allowance that applies to them. Are you a single and has the most around the 15000 dollars a month in pension, after tax, you may be eligible for the extension. How much you can get depends on several things, but on authority.see, there is a räknesnurra that can help you to find out how much addition you have the right to. You must apply for an extension.

Five tips for pension/PPM

So we come to the second part of the state pension – premium pension.

this is real money that you are going to place in any of the hundreds of funds that are included in the premium pension system (also referred to as PPM).

1. Do not be concerned that you find it difficult to choose a fund. The who don’t choose ports in the Seventh AP fund’s Såfa-fund, as shown through the years was a really excellent choice.

2. Ignore the lockropen about amazing return. Even if a fund has performed well historically, there is no guarantee that it continues to do so. Focus instead on finding low fees.

3. Select wide. You are young it can be good to invest in mutual funds, but don’t put everything in the narrow funds may only invest in a region or a country. Spread the risk by choosing different funds with different orientations.

4. When you pass the 60-year anniversary, it may be time to revisit fondvalen you have done. Now it’s getting time to forward step by step, to retirement, move to funds with low risk. You are going to take home the win in time!

5. Go into the relevant authority.see. where can you compare different funds and their risk level.

the pyramid’s my

Here we find the occupational pension, the vast majority of employers offer their employees via collective agreements.

unlike PPM, the choices are to select the mutual funds in the collectively agreed occupational pension limited. It is about only a handful of funds.

But the advantage is that they have very low fees because they have been procured professionally via the valcentraler that the social partners have formed precisely to offer the funds to the wage and salary earners.

Five tips for occupational pension

1. Ask your employer when you change jobs, or preferably before you do it, if he has the collective agreements. The employer has it, then you have an occupational pension.

2. If you are not covered by a collective agreement, ask your employer if they offer an occupational pension. Several do namely it. If not, negotiate a higher salary. You need to put away 4-5 per cent – at least – of your income every month into retirement savings in order to compensate for the absence of occupational pensions.

3. You do not need to select if you are covered by kollektivavtalad occupational. All the major contract areas have a special fund for those who do not choose.

4. Get an early start. The earlier you start working and getting an occupational pension, the more chance there is that you get a good pension. It applies to both occupational pension and premium pension. It is about the interest-on-interest effect. Savings that grow over a longer period of time gives more than if saving is done during the short period of time.

5. Be careful with that part-time work! This is especially true for many older workers have so-called defined-benefit occupational pension scheme. These employees are not saving for their pensions, but it is determined in advance to a percentage of final salary. To lose part-time can hit hard, so check with the employer and with the valcentral that apply to your collective agreement. These are Collectum for private sector officials, the forum for private sector workers, the SPV for state employees and Pensionsvalet or Valcentralen for the municipality and downs.

the top of the pyramid

This is the private pension savings. The obtain itself, usually through their bank.

Five tips for occupational pension

1. Check if you need to save. The young, and forms the family may need to save for other things, not least the mortgage payments. To form a family is not cheap.

2. Go into the minpension.see. Where you can make a forecast of your pension, and consider whether it is enough or if you need to complement it with a private pension.

3. Open a ISA. Through investment savings accounts (ISK), you will receive a skattegynnat tools to savings. Here you can stop in, for example, broad equity funds (with low fees!) if you are young.

4. Go over to fixed income funds with low risk as you get older.

5. Remember that the bank’s advisers working for the bank! Read on and don’t go with something sparförslag before you put yourself into it. Think about what level of risk you are willing to accept and study the thereafter the fees – which tend to be significantly higher than that of the premium pension or occupational pensions.

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also Read: Then you should think about occupational pension