The answer, in Berlin, Paris and other capitals of the EU, the socialist President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, was well coordinated. Until Monday, at 0 a.m., Maduro would have had time to the desire of the governments in Germany, France and other EU countries, will soon hold presidential elections.

Since Maduro was the Ultimatum but to pass, announced the foreign Ministry in Berlin on Monday at 11.36 PM that Germany recognise the former opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the transitional President of Venezuela.

Russia is indignant

An hour earlier, had tweeted the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, already, that his country will recognise also Guaidó, the 35-year-old hopefuls presidency could hold elections.

Since Monday, can count Guaidó on the support of many EU States. Among the countries which recognise Venezuela’s leader of the opposition in the power struggle with Maduro as interim head of state, Spain, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands and Portugal.

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Guaidó had declared at the end of January to the interim head of state and thus the Power Maduro openly called into question. While the US support Guaidó, are Russia and China allies of Maduro’s.

Russia sees as also in the support of many EU States for Guaidó interference in the internal Affairs of Venezuela. The Agency Interfax, according to the head of the Latin America Department at the Russian foreign Ministry Alexander Shchetinin said that the international community of the economic and social problems of the Latin-American country should adopt, instead of engaging in a “destructive interference” from the outside.

Trump is considering further military option

the Russian foreign should have thought of that representative in the first line to the US President Donald Trump. The had said in an Interview with CBS that the deployment of military to Venezuela is an Option.

The Federal government is, however, a negotiated solution. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had already declared last Friday that they wanted to make “a contribution, that there is no escalation”.

especially in the health sector, the situation is dramatically

In this the position of those EU member States that see since Monday in Guaidó your contact person at the Venezuelan state, on a double strategy: on the one Hand, the EU countries want to stabilize the humanitarian situation in Venezuela. France’s foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian declared that Venezuela was “bleeding out”. He pointed to the large number of refugees, the suppression of the Opposition and the astronomical Inflation.

His German counterpart, Heiko Maas (SPD) announced that the Federal government will provide five million euros for humanitarian aid, as soon as the political conditions in Venezuela allow.

The Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, said that his country wanted to play a leading role in the assistance of the European Union and the United Nations. Particularly in the health sector, the Situation in Venezuela is now dramatically.

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in addition to the improvement of the humanitarian situation, the EU member States, the support Guaidó, on the other, as rapidly as possible presidential elections. In the process, all political forces should be involved in the Latin American country – also the supporter of Maduro’s.

This goal of an international contact group, the EU and Latin American States, wants to meet next Thursday in Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo followed. Germany is a member of the contact group.

Maduro wants to. no presidential elections

Maduro has in principle nothing against the Plan, that a contact group should build a political bridge to the Opposition Too great concessions are not expected from the socialists, however, well.

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crisis in Venezuela, Juan Guaidó the aid from the United States yearns to bring about

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Finally he had given on Sunday, shortly before the expiry of the ultimatum of the EU countries, the Europeans a harsh rejection. The Spanish channel “La Sexta” said that he was going to show, given the “pressure” of the Europeans, not “cowardice”.