The EU Commission has a number of Swiss NGOs, the money tap. Around ten aid organisations since the beginning of the year no Boon for new projects. The EU denies a connection with the framework agreement.

Up to now, a number of Swiss NGOs for humanitarian aid received each year the equivalent of about 50 million Swiss francs from Brussels. For example, Caritas, Solidar Suisse, Médecins Sans Frontières-Switzerland or Terre des hommes were among the beneficiaries. That is over now.

In a letter to the Directorate-General for Humanitarian aid and civil protection of the European Commission from 21. December 2018, the Swiss Radio SRF on Monday has published and presented to the news Agency Keystone SDA, establishes the authority of the step with the lack of a legal basis.

“Political machinations”

“We don’t want anyone to punish,” said an EU spokesperson in front of the media. The decision was based on a legal analysis. There is no connection with the floor of the negotiations between Switzerland and the EU on an institutional framework agreement.

Mark Herkenrath, managing Director of Alliance Sud, suspected behind the step, however, the “political machinations”. The EU handle in front of the Background of the approaching Brexit. The victims were ultimately the Needy in the developing countries.

Felix Gnehm, Co-Director of Solidar Suisse, regrets the decision. “In the medium and long term, a more important money is for us donors,” he said. Now ways have to be found to work with other contributions.

Little hope

However, the EU Commission leaves open a door. You had to work with Swiss NGOs a solution with the necessary legal basis, said a spokeswoman. How far such discussions are left open.

Not affected by the EU decision development funds from Europe Aid, the European office for cooperation. The access to these support services is according to the experts, but more difficult. (Dec/sda)

Created: 04.02.2019, 12:58 PM